Chapter 16

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<Demi's POV>

I let out a sigh when I couldn't button my uniform because of my belly size. I furrowed my eyebrows and threw it away looking in the mirror. What the heck. I couldn't believe I've gained so much weight this soon. I hoped my pregnancy won't be visible until I'm like 3-4 months far, but oh well. I wondered a bit and grabbed my uniform to check its pockets. I found a key, two keys. I picked the second one with blue mark and opened Joe's locker. I took his uniform and put it close to my face. I could smell his perfumes and a frown appeared on my face. I felt so lonely since Joe left and it's been only one week. He promised he would call every day but he was busy lately with new flat and job. I tried to understand but annoying minds couldn't disappear from my head. I looked into his locker and found some candies. I shook my head with a smile, typical. A card from Maya melt my heart, I frowned again. A perfume. The mints. When I was smelling his Playboy Malibu a piece of paper fell off. I grabbed it and my curiosity won again. I had to read it.

My lil curious monkey, I knew you would open this locker sooner or later,

I hope you are smiling right now, and if you aren't... Please smile for me? Make this ugly world brighter.

If you don't feel like smiling, imagine me doing a striptease just for you ;)

If you aren't who I think you are, forget about this embarrassing note...

I giggled and hid that piece of paper in my pocket. I put Joe's uniform on myself and placed a plaque with my name on it. It was baggy, but at least I could move.

I left changing room with a grin on my face and headed to first room for the check ups. – Good morning! – I greeted my patients smiling friendly. From the past I've learned not all of them are treated well at home. Not all of them have it. So I try to make them feel as comfortable as possible it is when you're in the hospital.

– Hello sunshine, you are shining! – Mrs. Kareen said. She used to be Joe's patient. I remember when she got signed out but then she came back like one month later with heart issues. Yet she was one of the most positive people I've met. – Thank you so much! – I sent her a smile but covered my stomach with Joe's uniform. It made me feel uncomfortable. – Oh! – an older lady covered her mouth. I couldn't help but cover myself even more. – Don't need to be shy, baby! It's amazing, congratulations! – Mrs. Kareen laughed and I joined her. – I didn't thought it's THIS visible. – I said checking her results feeling her stare on myself. – Well, don't worry about that sweetie. You're just glowing on your face, that bright smile. Firstly I haven't noticed, only when you covered your stomach. You look beautiful! Don't worry I won't tell anyone. – she complimented winking which made me smile a little. – Thanks. – I replied politely.

I sat near her glancing over a file of papers in my hands. – Well, Mrs. Kareen, I can tell your heart is doing fine. Although I noticed you've got a high cholesterol level which probably caused your heart disease. We need to work on a diet, and surely no more smoking if you do. Am I clear? – she nodded but let out a groan. – Just don't say you will leave me with hospital diet that consists of water and bread only. – she frowned making me chuckle. – Of course I won't! Joe would kill me. – I joked as she laughed resting on her elbows. – Where is he by the way? I have a date for him! – she asked interested and I furrowed my eyebrows feeling some kind of jealously. – He is in New York now and well I think he's taken. – I said firmly trying not to sound rude in any way. – Oh, are you sure? – she asked looking at me suspiciously. – Trust me, I'm definitely sure. – I said and got up for another round.


I fell down on the chair next to Christina. – I'm so tired! – I moaned lying my head on her arm. She chuckled slightly and fed me up with my favourite donuts. I was craving them for whole day so I texted her before to buy me some. I also wanted pizza. And pickles. Yes, pizza and pickles sound perfect to me. I shared my thoughts with Christy and she couldn't stop laughing. – Don't laugh at me, bitxh. – I joined her making my friend laugh even more.

– Are you both drunk? – Matt came in and looked at us strange. I rolled my eyes not liking his presence here, but it looked like Christina enjoyed it a lot. – Maybe, none of your business. – I blurted as he sat near us.

– Oh, oh, oh. Joey is away and someone is already moody. D needs some D. – he highfived Christina and I rolled my eyes.

– Nope. I just don't like you. – I smiled at him and came back to eating my donut. He knew how to play on my nerves.

– Dem, maybe I could come over tonight so you won't be alone? You said Joe's busy and can't call so. I don't have a D, but I can make it up. – Christina giggled making me laugh this time.

– Actually, we wanted to facetime tonight. – I gave her that "I'm sorry" look mixed with puppy eyes. She shook her head laughing again along with Matt. – More like sextime. – he smirked and I punched his arm slightly.

– If you really need some, get it. Leave us alone. – I rolled my eyes again. Honestly cuddling with Joe was all I wanted. And sleeping. And pizza. And pickles. Yes.

– I'm heading home, so bye. Christina. You can come over tomorrow so we can have a sleepover, yay. – I kissed her cheek sending a glare to Matt making them both laugh.


I took my shoes off and laid on the bed throwing my clothes everywhere. I put on some pyjamas and took my phone. I decided to order some pizza, because I was literally craving it. After I asked for a casual Margherita I hid under my bed sheets finally feeling warm and comfortable.

I charged my phone a bit and when I wanted to find Joe in my contacts, I already saw him asking for facetiming. I smiled and picked up. – Hello, beautiful! – I heard Joe's voice and I showed him my teeth making him giggle. I hid myself a bit not feeling like showing him my full face. My self-esteem dropped lately, especially after today when I couldn't fit into my uniform. – How are you feeling, baby? – he asked lying on his side. I admired his naked muscular body and bit my lip. – I'm fine. Just tired. – I pouted making him sigh. – Me too baby, I miss you a lot. – he said and I nodded. – Show me your face, Demetria. – he demanded softly but I shook my head. – I look shitty today. – I moaned turning my phone away. – Okay, show me tits then. – he said making me laugh.

– Calm down, Joseph. The baby is listening. – I said trying to sound serious.

– Okay, okay. But no, for real. Show me your face, I haven't seen you for so long. – he pretended to cry and I located my phone on my face cuddled up to the pillow. – Yes, here's my beauty. Show me more. – he smirked and I showed him a middle finger. He threw his head back laughing and I joined him.

I heard a doorbell rang. So I stood up.

– Who's that? – Joe raised his eyebrow. – Some handsome man. – I smirked walking to the kitchen to take some money. – Demetria. – I looked at my phone to see him glaring and I giggled. I opened the door and I saw a really good looking young man.

– Good evening, beautiful lady. – he smiled and I couldn't help but blush. – I'm still here! – the man looked weird at me and I showed him my phone. – That's my boyfriend. – I laughed looking at his scary expression. – Don't worry, he's far away. – I tried to be serious but it didn't work out. – Demi! – Joe shouted with laugh and soon we all were joking around. Five minutes later, the pizza deliver left and I was eating my supper in front of Joe making him hungry.

– I wish I could eat you. – he smirked at me and I almost choked on my slice. – You're so stupid. – I shook my head. – That's why you love me. – he puffed his chest looking proud of himself and I nodded smiling.

We talked till 1:38am. I watched him as he was slowly falling asleep. – I love you. – I mouthed as I hung up closing my eyes.

– I love you too, baby. – I whispered rubbing my stomach heading to sleep.


So, yep, here is another chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, I finished it at 3am and I have school in 3hours + two competitions, lol. Gnight! :)

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