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We all went to bed feeling satisfied that we stopped this stupidness. We were wrong. We talked to the teacher we planned on and felt very happy and proud that we did this. Later that day at art club, someone yelled out that they had a follow request from the same account that we thought got deleted forever: the "F" word followed by one of the victims' name account. I checked my phone since it was face down. There I was it was the follow request again. I was horrified. How did they get their account back???? The art teacher them started telling everyone to block, report, and tell this person to stop. The person didn't stop. The teacher then direct messaged the person through one of the girls' phone who was at the club. The person started calling who she thought a "female dog"
The account finally was deleted again after everyone reporting and blocking. This time I get a screenshot of EVERY SINGLE CAPTION ON THE ACCOUNT. I can't believe the people at my school. WHO TELLS SOMEONE TO DIE???!?!?!?!?!??!!?! STUPID PEOPLE DO.... sadly

READ PART 3 which will be about what happened on 11/13/15.

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