Chapter Four

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        " We're all here now." Avalon said as I touched down. Nivea stared blankly ahead for a moment, shook her head, then flew down into the cavern.

       Deep Caves was more of a enormous cavern with random caves and cracks. Many families lived here, and it kind of reminded me of one of those birdhouses with small rooms inside the main one itself, like a birdhouse apartment. The ceiling had at least five smaller caves worn in to the same wall, all above each other, with room enough for a large dragon to stand up in. I watched as young dragonlets flew from cave to cave, the sunlight above them dappled from the overhanging trees.

       My thoughts were broken as I realized Avalon had said my name multiple times.
       " Come on." She said pointing her hand-like tail towards a wall of hardened lava, covered in a type of lichen. " Nivea said this way."
      " But aren't we going into . . ." I started to say, indicating the caves up above us.
      " No." Nivea said. I shrugged and followed her lead. " Now keep close," she said, "This passage is tricky." She continued a quick pace and didn't even look back at us as Avalon and I followed her.

      " Okay, but I feel I'm missing some information. Where are we going?"

       Nivea looked at us closely. " I haven't known you for long, but I feel I can trust you with this. Can you keep a secret?" She asked. Avalon and I nodded. She drew as deep breath, then said, " I am taking you to the last of the Embercoils."

      " WHAT?!?!? But they're dead!! You aren't taking us to a skeleton right?" Avalon screeched. I had NEVER seen her this worked up about something. And this was only in a few seconds!                                          

      " No, NO, NO!" Nivea said. " They aren't dead! Didn't I make that clear enough? THEY AREN'T DEAD!" she bellowed in Avalon's ear." ARE YOU DEAF?"

          " No, thank you very much." she huffed. " I have very good hearing, thanks."

"Okay, now use those good ears of yours and listen. There are some caves down here that no one but my family and the Embercoils know about. They're the deepest known caves in all of Draccious."

I gasped. The last will be hatched in the deepest cave, where the last Embercoils dwell. It was the words form the prophecy!

" We're going to enter through some old lava tunnels, so watch your step. Now follow me!"

We briskly set a pace, making our way through the labyrinth of tunnels. At one point, we had to scrabble over some boulders to avoid falling into the lava.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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