Chapter 1

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I was at my house and so was Bevy. My house was small but can at least hold five people maximum and had an upstairs , but the thing is that it was rundown like other houses around my village.
We were having lunch with my mom and little sister Ivory yes I know our names are colors and not normal names. It was quite and barely anyone talked. If you dropped a pin you can actually hear its sound.
I really hated when the room was quiet,it made me feel uneasy.

I nodded my head and went upstairs to Beverly to signal that we should get out of this boring place. " Misses Johansen is it fine if we can be excused". ''@$$ kisser'' I said under my breath. My mom gave me a strong look telling me to stop. If looks could kill you..I would already have been dead.

Bevy and I crawled out the window and hopped on the roof of the house. Our secret spot and get away. We sat there quite lost in our thoughts, Until Bevy spoke and snapped me out of my thoughts. "Scarlet....... I'm scared" I was so confused about what she was talking about "I'm confused" I told her trying to figure out what she was saying. "The killer games are coming and there taking teens ages 13-19". I was happy that they changed the ages because it used to be 10-19 and my little sister Ivory was 10. I didn't want her to be in it. "Hey it's okay we got each other." I said giving her a side hug. She wasn't wrong, I was scared too but I didn't want her to be more freaked out because I was.

We stayed a lit bit more until we finally realized that it was getting late. "Hey we should go now" I said to Beverly. I let her go down the stairs first and then I went down after.

~~~~The Morning~~~~
I was woken by the sunlight in my face. I was half asleep and half wake until I heard a loud bang and a door opening. When I looked up I realized it was my room door with people next to it dressed up in uniforms. I was scared and tried to run out the window, when one of them grabbed me before I could step outside. I was trying to loosen the grip of the soldier as I saw them man handle Beverly. I kicked the man in balls that was holding on to me. "Don't touch her like that" I said running to the guy that was grabbing Bev until I felt a hard hand making contact with my checks and saw nothing but black.

When I woke up I felt like I was being kidnapped and forced underwater, since I could barely breathe. What the hell is going on? I though to myself. Then I felt pain on my cheeks from the slap I got from before. Where are we going? Is Beverly okay? But most of all Am I Okay? Obviously I wasn't. It was soon until I realized where I was. The initiation room. Oh God This Is Not Okay. I knew what goes on in that room, they will chose who will end up In The Killer Games. Lets just hope it isn't me.

The Last thing I remembered was Scarlet, her face remained stained in my head. She was trying to save me, but ended up failing. She's hurt. A slap on the face and I could swear the man jabbed her stomach. I was okay, but not emotionally. Before I knew it I was crying, tears rolling down my pale skin. I wanted my family, I didn't nted to be here. It so strange, momments ago I was with Scarlet and we were both hapy yet worried about the Killer Games. Oh no. This is the Killer Games! Its obvious..this is The initiation room were they taking us to the ignitions rooms. But why us? It didn't make sense. We are just normal teens...we weren't special. Scarlet, good at sports and making friends/enemies. But me? I'm a reticent hopeless girl. I'm not good at sports nor good at making friends. I'll die I'll die I'll die. Maybe I should think positive, I mean this is only initation right? Its not like we'lle be picked. I was wrong.

I was standing in line were they take your blood,name,and district. I was scared to tell my name because of my father. David Johansen the first man in district 12 to survive. Our people were weak,nice, and never liked violence. I was worried about Beverly because her grandfather was the youngest man to join and survive I hated to admit but I was inspired by her grandfather. But my father end up dying from being murdered no one still knows who it was. Bev's grandfather died trying to save kids from a burning house he saved all of them but didn't make it. Her grandfather died a great man that will never be forgotten.

I was looking around to se if there was a way out but there to many soldiers. When I was turning back around I saw a boy with jet black hair and tattoos looking at me. He gave me blank look but it anger  mixed with it too. The boy looked familiar but I couldn't but my finger on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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