hanging out

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"you know what?" hayley said breaking the awkward silence "i'm so hungry"

"yeah i'm actually hungry too but i just realized that i don't have any food left" i look to the three other guys "please don't tell me that you guys are hungry too"

"i'm not" ashton and calum said almost at the same time

"i-" luke almost said a word

"shut up luke" i interrupted him "just shut up, i know you are" hayley giggles, making me and luke look at her with a confuse gaze

"you guys are just so cute, kind of childish you know" she stops laughing and clear her troat "anyway i have some bread next door, you guys wait here i'll take it" she said as she walk to the door

"hayley why do you love to make things difficult" i said stopping her "guys let's go with her".

all of us walked into her apartment and look around because this is new to us

"your apartment is so-" luke has not even finished yet

"what? lame? boring? uncomfy? tell me luke" she said

"no, no, it's just not like what i imagined" he smiles at her, can you just shut the fuck up hemmings

"what did you imagine, luke?" she asked

"i thought it was all girly, blue maybe pink but it's all white instead" he said still looking around.

so she made us nuttela on toast and luke said her toast is better than ashton's as i might as well agreed.

so four of us have agreed to take her out, she didn't agree at first but she finally said yes

"because friends hangout with each other, and we're friends now" luke said

"uh, okay then, thanks guys" she said

"no need to thank us, you just made me nuttela on toast and that is very lovely, i'm suppose to be the one to say thank you" she smiled at luke

she walks in to her room to change her clothes.

"she doesn't seem like any other girl" ashton said

"yeah, she's into us, i mean the style, just look at this all white and her outfit" i actually agree, i don't like girls that's so girly wears tight short skirt everywhere you go, put on make up anywhere you go, where tight dress, that's definitely not my type

"nice choice michael"

"what?" i said shaking my head from reverie

"nice choice i said" ashton repeated

then hayley walked out of her room looking more fresh "okay guys, i'm ready to go" she said with her black jeans, black converse and gray simple sweater

"that's it? simple as that?" luke asked

i barely notice a difference "did you really put on some make up?" i asked

"yes michael, how can you not see it? you can't see those packs under my eyes anymore" she explained "i just put a little bit of foundation and thin eyeliner"

"whatever the fuck those are maybe we should get going" i said not knowing what the fuck she was talking about.

we take the elevator and go down, we use ashton's car instead of mine or hayley's. so ashton and luke sit at the front, me, calum and hayley sit at the back, hayley in the middle because she's the smallest

"you know what you're eyes actually looks bigger" i said finally noticed a little bit of make up

"now you see, i did that because i have some kind of small asian eyes" she said

"yeah i noticed that, um, are you actually asian?" calum asked

"not really, my grandma is" she said "i know you're not calum"

"thank God you know, i hate when people call me asian" he said rolling his eyes

"i'm actually okay for being called asian" calum look at her confused "because the food are great, you know that, calum" she said smiling

proud to be asian bitchez
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