home alone

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I was sat on the couch in the hall while everyone was saying bye to Mike and when everyone finished saying bye he came over to me and said ''Millie don't worry because Gina will look after you'' ''ok'' I then hugged him and he left so I walked in to the kitchen and saw everyone looking at a box so I went over to Gina and said ''when is Mike coming back'' ''not yet babes'' ''ok'' then Gina went outside and Elektra opened the box with a hammer and she said ''woah I could of blown myself up'' then I noticed harry picked one up and he took something from it and said ''what's this'' then everyone looked at him and when Faith came in she took it of him just as Liam came in the kitchen and when Faith threw it outside Liam pulled me over to him and he ducked down holding me close to him and when it blew up I stood up and ran outside and I saw Gina on the floor so I went back in and said ''Gina has been hurt'' then everyone went outside and Faith phoned an ambulance and when it came she got taken to hospital and Faith got rid of the relief care worker so I said ''we need a responsible adult here'' then Faith said ''Millie its ok because I will be good at it'' ''no you wont Liam would be better than you'' I then ran upstairs and I went in to the room I share with Liam and I sat on the bed when Liam came in and said ''Millie its ok because I will look after you'' ''ok'' I then stood up and I went downstairs and I went in to the quiet room and I sat on the couch staring straight ahead and after about 10 minutes I heard Liam shouting my name but I didn't answer him.

Liam's POV

I have been looking for Millie for ages and I still cant find her and I am getting worried so after about 10 minutes of looking I went up to Tee and said ''Tee have you seen Millie'' ''no sorry'' ''ok'' I then carried on looking when Carmen came up to me and said ''can you come in to town with me'' ''I am looking for Millie'' ''oh please just come with me'' ''for gods sake Carmen leave me alone while I look for my little sister who could be anywhere'' ''well get Tee to look for her then'' ''no because I want to look for my sister'' ''fine don't come with me'' then she walked away so I carried on looking for her.

Millie's POV

I was still sat in the quiet room and I was crying and after about 5 minutes I got up of the couch and I walked out the quiet room and I heard all sorts of shouting so I crept in to the office and I took 20 pound out of a tin and once I got it and ran out the front door and I got the bus to the hospital and when I got there I slowly walked in and a nurse came over and said ''can I help you'' ''am looking for someone'' ''who are you looking for'' ''Gina Conway'' ''follow me'' I then followed the nurse to Gina's room and when we got there I saw her sat on the chair so I walked in and she said ''what are you doing here Millie'' ''everyone is shouting'' ''isn't the relief care worker there'' ''no Faith got rid of her and now she is pretending to be the relief care worker and Liam doesn't know I am here'' ''come here'' I then went over to her and she hugged me and said ''its going to be ok and have you got a phone'' ''yes Liam gave me his spare phone'' ''ok and can you give me it please'' I then passed Gina my phone and she rang Liam


**Liam**- Millie where are you

**Millie**- Liam its me Gina your Millie is here with me

**Liam**- what why is she there

**Millie**- I don't know but I need you to come and get her

**Liam**- ok bye


when Gina got of the phone she said ''Liam is coming to get you'' ''no I don't want him to'' ''you have to go back with Liam'' ''ok'' and after about 15 minutes Liam came in and said ''oh Millie I have been worried about you'' ''am sorry but I didn't like all the shouting'' ''well it has stopped now and come on lets get you home'' ''ok'' he then picked me up and he carried me home and when we got home we walked in and he carried me in to the living room and when Tee saw me she came over and said ''oh Millie your ok'' ''I went to the hospital to see Gina because I didn't like all the shouting'' ''its ok and come on we will go to my room'' I then followed her to her room and when we got in her room I sat on the bed and she said ''so what shall we do'' ''I don't know'' ''how about I do your make up'' ''yes please'' ''ok'' she then got her make up bag and she did my make up and when she finished she said ''you look great'' ''thank you Tee'' ''your welcome and your like my little sister'' ''ok'' then Carmen came in and said ''Tee do you want to go to town with me'' then she saw me and she said ''oh your busy sorry'' she then walked out so I said ''you can go with her I don't mind'' ''are you sure'' ''yeah am sure I will go and see Liam'' ''ok'' then I walked out of Tee's room and I walked downstairs and I went in to the living room and when I got in the living room I saw Liam and Frank playing pool so I sat on the couch when Johnny came in and said ''hi Millie'' ''hi Johnny'' then Liam looked at me and said ''I didn't even know you was there'' ''oh thanks'' ''I didn't mean it like that and who did your make up'' ''Tee did'' ''ok'' then Faith came in and said ''house meeting in the kitchen'' I then followed her to the kitchen and everyone was there so I stood by Liam and he said ''are you ok Millie'' ''I don't feel well'' ''oh come here'' he then picked me up and it was his turn to put money down so he put it down and Carmen said ''what about Millie'' then Faith said ''Carmen her and Harry are little kids so were are they going to get money from'' ''well Millie has Liam'' ''no Carmen'' then everyone finished putting money down and Gus worked out the total and once he did Faith wrote a shopping list and she said ''right who wants to go shopping'' then Tee said ''I will go'' ''right ok who is going with you'' then I said ''Tee can I go with you'' ''I thought you was sick'' ''no I am ok to go with you'' ''ask Liam then'' I then looked at Liam and said ''please Liam and if you let me I will love you forever and ever'' ''you should love me forever and ever anyway'' ''but if you let me go with Tee then I will love you even more'' ''ok but put your coat on'' ''ok'' he then put me down and I ran upstairs and I went in to mine and Liam's room and I picked my coat up and that is when I saw a 10 pound note on the side so I picked it up and I put it in my pocket and I walked downstairs and when Tee saw me she said ''lets go'' ''ok'' then we left and we walked to town and when we got to town we went to a food shop and Tee picked the things we needed and when we was finished we walked out the shop and I said ''Tee I have done something stupid and Liam will shout at me'' ''why what have you done'' ''I took Liam's 10 pound note of his bedside table but its because I wanted to buy him something'' ''well I will stay with you when you tell him and shall we go and buy him something'' ''yes please'' we then walked to a shop and I bought Liam a present and when I bought it we left the shop and Tee said ''he is going to love it'' ''is he really'' ''yeah'' we then went back to the dumping ground and when we got outside the gates someone grabbed me from behind and Tee said ''oi get off her'' he then let go of me and Tee said ''are you ok'' ''no who was he'' ''I don't know but we should tell Liam'' ''ok'' we then walked inside and I was still crying and we went in to the living room and I saw Liam there and Tee said ''Liam someone tried kidnapping Millie'' ''where was you'' ''just outside the gate'' then he came over to me and said ''its ok because I will keep you safe'' ''ok and I have a present for you'' ''which'' I then passed him the bag and when he took it out he said ''Millie I love it thank you so much but how did you pay for it'' ''am sorry'' ''sorry for what'' then Tee said ''when she was getting her coat she saw a 10 pound note of yours on your bedside table and she took it and that's how she paid for the present'' then I ran out the living room and I saw Faith in the office so I ran in and I hugged her and she said ''what's up Millie'' ''Liam is going to shout at me'' ''why is he'' ''because I took his 10 pound note without asking'' then Liam came in and said ''Millie I don't care if you just take my money because your my little sister and whatever is mine is yours'' I then went over to him and I hugged him and said ''but I should of asked you first'' ''but you know I would of said yes anyway'' ''ok'' then we walked out the office and we went back in to the living room and I sat on the couch next to Tee and she said ''thank you for coming shopping with me'' ''its ok and I needed a bit of peace from Liam'' then Liam came over and said ''why do you need peace from me'' ''because you are annoying'' ''oi you am not annoying'' ''yes you are'' ''right that's it am going to tickle you'' ''if you can catch me'' I then ran out the living room and I ran upstairs and I heard Liam chasing after me so I ran in to mine and Liam's room and I jumped on to the bed and he ran in after me and he caught and started tickling me and after a bit he stopped tickling me and he said ''am I annoying now'' ''yes you are'' he then tickled me again so I said ''ok your not annoying'' he then stopped tickling me and said ''now that's what I wanted to hear'' ''ok'' I then walked out the room and I went back downstairs and I walked in to the kitchen and saw Carmen and Tee sat at the table and Carmen said ''what do you want'' ''nothing'' ''right get out then'' ''make me'' I then walked in to the back garden and I went for a walk and after a bit I decided to go back so I walked back to the dumping ground and when I got back in to the garden I heard Liam shout my name so I ran in and he said ''where have you been'' ''I went for a walk'' ''ok'' I then sat at the table and said ''Liam am hungry'' ''how about I take you to McDonalds for tea'' ''yes please'' ''come on then'' I then stood up and I walked out the dumping ground holding Liam's hand and we walked to McDonalds and when we got there we walked in and Liam said ''what do you want'' ''can I have a chicken nugget happy meal please'' ''ok go and sit down'' I then went to sit down and once I was sat down a man came over and I noticed it was my dad so I said ''leave me alone'' ''no your coming with me'' ''my brother is with me'' ''he doesn't scare me''  then Liam came over and said ''mate leave my little sister alone'' then he walked away so I said ''Liam that was dad'' ''I know but your safe'' I then started eating my food and when I finished eating I noticed Liam was finished and he said ''come on I will buy you something'' ''ok'' we then left McDonalds and we walked to the toy shop and when we got there we walked in and Liam said ''what do you want'' ''can I have make up'' ''your too young for make up'' ''if you get me some make up then I will love you forever and ever'' ''your too young'' ''ok can I have a lipgloss'' ''ok but just that'' ''ok'' we then walked out of the shop and we walked to a shop where they sell make up and when we got there we walked in and I picked a lipgloss and once I picked one he paid for it and we walked out of the shop and we went back to the dumping ground and when we got there we walked in and I walked in to the living room and I saw Tee sat on the couch so I said ''Tee look what Liam bought for me'' I then showed her my new lipgloss and she said ''wow that's a really nice colour'' ''I know it is'' then Carmen walked in and said ''come on Tee we are going to my room'' then Tee said ''Carmen I was talking to Millie then'' ''well we are having a pamper night'' then I said ''Tee its fine'' ''if your sure'' ''am sure'' ''ok'' she then went upstairs with Carmen so I walked upstairs and I walked past Carmen's room and I heard her say ''Tee don't you think Millie is an annoying little brat'' ''no I don't think that Carmen'' ''well she is an annoying little brat'' I then ran in to mine and Liam's room and I saw a note on my bed so I picked it up and I opened it and I read it and it said ''Millie darling I am so sorry for always hurting you your my baby girl so I am coming to visit you love from dad'' I then started crying and I screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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