Chapter Six

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I woke up wet as hell and I looked next to me to see a sleeping Darrell.

"Oh fuck, it was all a dream?" I said to myself.

I checked my phone and it marked 4:35 AM.

I got up and took a quick shower ..

I can't believe I had a wet dream about Alex.

I need to chill.

The doorbell rang and Darrell woke up , "Natalie , Who's that?" He said sleepily

"Do it look like I know? I just woke up." I replied.

He rolled around "Kill the attitude man and go open the door" He said while putting the pillow on his head.

I sighed and threw on some clothes and went downstairs then I opened the door.

I saw Alexander.

"I gotta surprise for you." He said.

I turned my face until he pushed open the door and walked in and gave me a paper that read..

Darrell & Natalie,

I have your daughter , you want her ? Ask someone close to can't trust everyone.


I screamed and Darrell ran downstairs "What the hell happened?"

Alex And Darrell made eye contact and while Darrell kept a smug look on his face , Alex smiled, "Howdy!" He said

"How'd you get this?" Darrell asked once I gave him the note.

"Well it's quite a short story.." Alex started


2 hours ago...

"Wassup cuz?" I said to my cousin Wade.

"Hey bud, whatcha doing down here in Atlanta?" He said

"I should be askin' you that same question....Aren't you supposed to be in Virginia?" I asked

"Vacation" He said quickly

I nodded "Well what you call me here for?"

"I know you talk to a certain female named Natalie, give her this, ight? Don't tell her you know where her daughter is..figure out how far she'd go to find her daughter." He said

"Wade , that's fucked up and I don't even know where her daughter is anyway....and how do you know Natalie?"

"Old friend." He replied simply.

"Where is her daughter ?" I asked.

"I'll give you two note you give to Natalie another note you keep for yourself." He said

"Now get out...don't read it in front of me boss's orders" He added while waving me off

I flicked him off and walked out the house and I opened the note for me and it read....


I cleared my head of the memory "Well I got this note from someone and he told me to pass it along to you two."

"Wait...Who's the person?" Darrell said

"You should know better to ask me that question, you know what happens to snitches ?" I said.

"Please Alex...this isn't enough! I need to find out where my baby girl is." Natalie said

"Listen if I find out some better information I'll let yall know." I said as I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I looked at the note Wade gave me again and I sighed and walked towards my car.

Next chapter coming soon.



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