Chapter 16

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"Move it! Get her out!!" Max commanded as she ran through halls of the lab. She looked behind her and saw Iggy, Angel, Nudge, and Gazzy running behind her. She turned to her right and saw Fang keeping up next to her, then to her left, a small girl clutching her hand in fear, her dark hair flying behind her as she ran quickly. A look of determination and anger in her face.

"Almost there!" Max called behind her. Suddenly, a loud boom erupted from somewhere in the lab. They all stopped and looked around.

"What was that?" Gazzy asked.

"That wasn't you?!" Max asked.

"Then what was--" Iggy said, but was suddenly cut off by a giant explosion all around them. Max grabbed the girl and hugged her tight to her chest as they braced upon impact...

"Mama!!" The tiny voice shrieked. But all Max could say was "Fee--" before she got knocked out. Badly.

"Ally?!" Max gasped breathlessly as she bolted upright in bed. She looked around and found herself in a tattered motel room and under a threadbare blanket.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Fang asked next to her. She looked into his eyes. They were dark as midnight and filled with concern.

"It was a dream..." Max sighed as she wiped the sweat off from her face, "it was so...realistic..." Max muttered.

"What was it about?" Fang asked.

"We were escaping a lab. With Ally by my side...then the explosion..."

"I'm sure Ally's me." Fang reassured her as he rubbed her back. She inhaled and exhaled evenly, recollecting herself, "what happened to Alex?" Fang asked. Max looked at Fang in shock.

"H-He wasn't in my he...dead...?!"

"This dream can't be a vision...I'm sure they're both still alive..." Fang said. Then he got up out of the bed and walked over to the window. He peeked outside then turned back to Max, smirking, "the rain stopped."

"We're going. Now." Max said as she jumped out of the bed and grabbed her bag. She didn't even want to know what the bathroom was like, so they decided the rain water would be a better option, as far as cleaning goes.

"It's about 2:30 right now. We'll be there at about 3:00." Fang said.

"Great..." Max said.

"Look, they're fine...I promise." Fang said as they walked out in front of the motel. He gave her a kiss before they jumped up into the sky, spread their wings, and flew off to find the flock and the twins.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Makes ya think, huh? Well, give your opinion, what you like or don't like, I can take honesty! So don't forget to vote, comment, criticize, and follow me if you haven't already done so! Thanks again, my fellow readers! XD

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