A Penguin Story

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Okay so here is the penguin story my mom told me the other day...

There once was a group of penguins, and they lived on top of a hill. So one day, one of the penguins decided to roll down the hill and there was a pond at the end of the hill, so he rolled into the pond. And the other penguins were gonna go help their friend, so all the other penguins ended up rolling down the hill too. Once all of them were in the pond, they were like "Oh no! How are we gonna get back up the hill!?". So they found these fish in the pond, and the penguins went swimming with the fish and they befriended each other. They asked the fish how they could could get back up the hill. And the fish said that there was a girl named Nicole that came to the pond often, and maybe Nicole could help them. So the penguins waited for Nicole, and eventually Nicole came by the pond. And when she saw all the penguins in the pond, she was like "Oh wow! Penguins!". She asked what the penguins were doing in the pond and the penguins explained. They asked Nicole if she could get them back up the hill, and Nicole being the sweet girl she is, replied with a yes! So one by one, she carried them up the hill. Once all of them were at the top of the hill, they thanked Nicole and said that they must be going now. So they said goodbye and parted ways.
THE END!!!!!!

So that was the penguin story! Btw I'm surprised the penguins didn't eat the fish XD

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