The Day I Was Worried

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A/N hello!!! if you didn't see before, I lost my account and had to make a new one so I am now continuing Turning Worlds on this account. So if you are a new reader searing Turning Worlds First (the cover is black with moons on it). Enjoy my lovely readers!

       I woke up, jolting upright from my nightmare. I look around to see I was in some sort of hospital room. At the end of my bed against the wall, sits Emmet in an uncomfortable looking chair.

"Emmet? Where am I? What happened Emmet?" I asked, my voice hoarse and dry.

"Desiree! You're awake! Where still at the Lab. You blacked out and hit you're head. Hard."

"Oh," I said and I saw that his clothes were ripped and had dried blood all over. I bolted upright, "Emmet what happened!?"

"Oh!" he tried to cover up,"It's nothing." he turned his head away from me. I ripped off the lines that connected me to a machine. I threw off my crisp blankets and marched over to him. Crouching, I looked him firmly in the eye.

"You tell me what happened." I growled at him. He huffed and looked down.

"Fine. These creatures stepped out and started attacking us. I don't know what they were but they defiantly had some predator grafted into their DNA. No doubt about it. One charged after you when you woke up, you punched it right in the temple. Then it hit you harder and knocked you out again. You must of lost memory of that."

"Oh." That was all I could mange to get out of my mouth. I felt anger running through my brain and blinding my thoughts. I sped over to the door and tried to open it but, it was locked. I screamed and kicked the door in frustration. I felt hands on my shoulders. Instead of calming down, I whirled around and punched Emmet in Adam's apple. Oops.

Realizing what I was doing I sank to my knees and let my head fall. I heard Emmet still struggling to get his breath. What was happening to me? Did they inject me with something that messed with my hormones? I began to worry what was happening to me and what was happening around me in this new world.

With a loud clank! the door burst open and knocked me over since I was sitting so close. Warner walked in and left the door wide open. Even though I was in a hospital gown, I still had a t-shirt and leggings on under. I shot up and raced for the door. I ran out of the room hearing my name being called but I didn't listen. I ran towards the nearest exit. I pushed open two metal doors and saw something I never would of guessed. A room full of experiments. I saw Jace and Luna in cages barely big enough for them to crouch in.

"If any of you have wings say so now!" I yelled to room of innocent kids. I heard footsteps pounding down the hall, but no one spoke up. Not even Jace and Luna. I gave up and started running again. I felt like I was running for hours. Finally I turned down a hall and saw another set of doors. I opened them and they led me out to wide open outdoors. With a new jolt of energy, I ran harder and forced my wings out. I rose higher and higher but I felt a net wrap around me. I screamed and I fell to the ground. Yet I was caught before I hit the ground and went splat! I was dragged back inside. I fought as much as I could but I couldn't penetrate the person. Before I knew it was thrown back into my hospital room. Emmet was still sitting there as if he knew I wouldn't make it away from here. This time I was strapped down to the bed. Warner stepped into the light.

"Your a little fight aren't you?" he poked my arm, "Well, I have some news for the both of you. But first let me ask you this- Does flying feel like it comes naturally to you?" Emmet nodded his head yes and I didn't budge. I wasn't going to give this guy the attention he wanted. "Desiree, what about you?" he turned to me but I caved and gave a slight nod. It really felt like it did. I guess curiosity killed the cat. "Good, well, how do I put this? I guess I'll say it straight out, you've always had wings."

"What? Then why haven't I never noticed them?" I demanded.

"Because we forced fake memories into the both of you. So you both thought you had led a normal life but you really did grow up here. When we "retrieved" you from your school, we knew that the serum was fading so we got you. And Desiree, we didn't get Emmet because you requested it. We got him because he was already part of this."

"You-you asshole!" I yelled. Okay, now something was wrong with me, I rarely swore. "Why are you guys doing this to innocent people?!"

"We are doing this for the greater good." He stated. Emmet finally spoke up,

"Is there anyone else that can fly like Luna, Jace, Desiree and I?"

"I'm glad you asked. Yes 3 more. You'll meet them tomorrow. Now I must go. I'll send food in for you soon. Desiree, since you blacked out and took some serve damage, you'll need to stay in bed for the rest of the day." Warner said and left, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and flopped my head back. The door opened again and men in lab coats walked in. One walked over and un-strapped me so I could at least move around some. Then I felt a prick in my arm and noticed I was being injected with something. My eyes widened as felt my fear of needles play a role in this situation by within seconds I fell into a deep sleep.

Turning Worlds Book 2Where stories live. Discover now