Chapter Six - Consequences

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Hearing those words through my wolf was amazing. Hearing those words as a 18 year old girl was absolutely terrifying. What being alpha's mate meant suddenly hit me like it had on Blake's 13th birthday. Not in the same way of course, when I was 13 I was mostly afraid of how my life would change. I simply wasn't ready to accept that I was going have to lead the pack, wasn't ready for people to look up to me, or feel disappointed in what fate had given Blake.

Now I was scared for a whole other reason, now that Blake knew I was his mate he wouldn't let me leave, soon everyone would know. I would be expected to remain by Blake's side no matter what, I would be a threat. Hell I was scared because soon I would be expected to have children and I was not by any means ready to be a mother. Who the hell was at 18?! I knew that the second Blake found out I was his mate we'd be focused on his future. Suddenly mine would become insignificant as I would be expected to have children, take care of him and take care of the pack. I wasn't ready to give up a future that I had worked so hard for in America.

So I ran. Again.

Blake chased after me, I knew he would but it was timed just right, as I ran away the bell rang and suddenly the halls were filled with other students. Blake being the future alpha of course would always attract attention and he must have lost me in the crowd. When I reached the front of the school and ran out without being stopped I knew that I would be safe for a little while.

I went to the only place that I could ever really think when I was a child. In a little clearing in the woods was a hut that had been fashioned decades ago, it was near a stream and it was almost invisible until you were actually stood in it. As much as it held awful memories for me of Blake's 13th birthday it was still my happy place.

I sat down and just stared out across the stream and watched the fish. I envied them so much, why do they deserve such an easy life. Fate didn't have much to do with them, they didn't have complex emotions and they didn't have another stupid animal inside them to contend with.

In that moment I hated that I was a werewolf, hated that my ancestors had gone to attack and instead been turned. They left me with one of two futures, a future of always feeling incomplete without my other half or a future of oppression.

To me mates were getting to be a little redundant, I mean why the hell should anyone have a mate, it ruins the timelines of the humans. What if I wanted to get a job and to have a career, to date and find out if I liked someone rather than having a person thrust in my face being meant to spend my life with them. What if they were evil? What if they were abusive? Fate didn't care because she thought that's what you needed. I hated it.

I'd been holding my wolf back for far too long now, every since I'd started running and I knew she was pissed with me. But I did hope that she understood, it wasn't my fault that we had such differing ideas.

When I finally stopped suppressing her she just groaned at me, thank god she wasn't going to be difficult about this.

"I'm sorry", I murmured to her, but she just grumbled in response. She knew she'd won anyway, there would be no escaping Blake now. Even if I decided to run he would follow me, the best I could do is face him.

Checking my phone I noticed that it was almost the end of school. 9 messages, 4 missed calls was also evident on the screen. Looking at the senders I found that all the calls were from Blake, the messages were from my mum, brother and dad asking why the hell I wasn't in school. I'm paraphrasing, Jay's involved too many profanities to mention and my mum's was just worried. I replied to them saying I was ok and just needed some space. I would talk to them later, but I knew why they would be worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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