Separation Syndrome

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Chapter 8 - Separation Syndrome

I couldn't avoid it anymore, this was something that I've been thinking about for a while, now that I'm thinking our future. This was something I had to do if I ever wanted to give Gilbert a future in school.

I officially had to adopt him.

I pulled up to the building my heart practically pounding a hole in my chest. I looked back to see Gilbert staring out the window, I took a deep breath. "Lets just hope that they believe my story," I mumbled.

As I walked up to the building I couldn't help but pull Gilbert closer to my chest. I walked in to have the people at the desk look up and stare at me.

"Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Yes," I said slowly as I looked down at Gilbert in my arms, "you see I found this child recently and would like to adopt him."

"Oh, how recently?" She asked taking notice of the way Gilbert cling to me as I held him.

"Few days ago," I lied.

"Well okay," the lady said as she stood up sticking her hands out, "let me see him."

"Huh, why?" I asked taking a step back.

"Well before you can adopt him we have to give him a background and medical check," She replied.

I tightened my grip, "how long will this take?" I stammered.

"A couple days at the least that is if don't find any medical issues or somethings in his background," she replied.

"What do mean in his background?" I questioned.

"Well we try to find the parents to see if he abandoned or just lost, if lost then we can return him," she responded.

That statement alone felt like somebody took a baseball bat to my chest. I gave out a small quiet choke, my chest felt as if the hit shattered my bones and organs. "An-and if you don't?" I stuttered.

"Well then after some paper work and other processes you can adopt him," The woman stated.

"O-oh," I struggled to grasp my words, "okay."

The woman smile as she stood in front of me with her hands out. "It's okay he will be taken care of just fine, he will be placed in an orphanage until then."

I took a deep breath, there was no way I could back out of this now. I slowly loosed my grip pulling Gilbert away from me. Gilbert took notice of this motion looked up at me with confusion. I tried my best but I just couldn't contain my shaking as I handed Gilbert over.

"Alright I will be right back, I just need you to sign some papers," She said, she then turned around walking away.

Gilbert turned and looked over her shoulder at me, he reached his arms out as if he actually thought he could reach me. I only faked a smile waving goodbye. I could have said what I usually said when I dropped him off at daycare or leave him with Cassidy or Jazmin. I could have said, 'it's okay, I'll be back.' However I couldn't, because there was the horrible chance that I may never see him again.

I finally came home also a hour later. I closed the door so slow that I'm was sure that nobody heard me come home, that is until Jazmin came into the room.

"Hey," Jazmin greeted but quickly caught onto my depressed expression. "What's wrong? Wait where Gilbert?" I didn't respond as I just walked past Jazmin. "Wait where are you going?"

"To my room," I responded.

"To do what? You didn't even answer my question," Jazmin exclaimed.

"To die a little more on the inside," I replied as I shut the bedroom door behind me.

"Wait, what did she that she was doing today?" Jazmin asked herself, after remembering she walked away, assuming it would be best to leave me alone.

Would it be wrong to say that the past three days without Gilbert seemed easier? I mean that can be expected, I guess caring for a child is difficult and I guess after almost two years of caring for him I would notice it. Doesn't mean that those days made me happy, in fact the sudden routine change made me even more depressed. I just couldn't shake the gaping feeling he left for the past few days.

There were a couple thing that noticeably changed in those few days;

One, I was improving in college, due to the fact I wasn't constantly taking care of Gilbert I had more time to work on college.

Two, I had a lot more time to work, again with the more time I have, I decided to pick up more hours.

Three, life seemed easier, sad to say but even with more time working and in college everything seems more relaxed.

It was rather upsetting to think about it, my life was easier without him. However all the free time in the world couldn't kick me out of the slump I was experiencing. I practically had to force myself to have motivation, for everything, college, work, home chores. The time I spent looking at homes was little to no time, I just seemed to stop caring.

It's been a whole week, I had sometime between college and work so I decided to take a nap. Not that I was trying to catch up on some sleep, again with the free time I had not working or at college I didn't really do much just slept because I didn't have the motivation to do anything else. Anyway, I was asleep when my cellphone went off. I groaned as I lifted my head up, I squinted looking at the shining light from my phone.

"Yeah....hello?" I mumbled as I answered. The conversation went on with all of my responses consisting of "yeah," and "uh huh." Once the conversation was over I closed the phone I sat up in my bed thinking over the conversation I just had. It wasn't until the person whom I had the conversation with clicked in my mind.

I gasped, quickly jumping out of my bed, however I was half asleep so I did stumble, falling on the floor. Jazmin turned as I ran into the living room, clutching at the doorway so I would stumble again.

"What's going on?" Jazmin asked.

"It's the adoption center," I said through my breaths, "they want me to come over."

"What why?" Jazmin questioned.

"I don't know," I exclaimed as I rushed to get out the door.

"Wait you don't even know what you're-" Jazmin began but was cutoff when I ran out the door, "going there for." Jazmin mumbled.


Something worth noting that I rarely do reach on some of the things I write. I probaly should start researching some of the stuff I write huh?

Anyway, as always thanks for reading? Also any comments/reviews and votes are highly appreciated, I always enjoy feedbackand support.

Until Next Time!

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