Magickal Ditch Day- Prologue

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In which a bet is placed. 


A whisper of words sounded behind the door, before it opened. "My entire flat block seems to have decided that hangover Saturday is not the time to prod at the mysterious, handsome, long haired new neighbor, so I decided I might as well come here."

"Do you still need an excuse to?" The door opened into the open kitchen and living room. Currently, it was Penelope that was talking from behind the kitchen counter, pouring steaming water into a pair of cups. Simon was sitting just across the counter from - being served the tea to. Both of them were in large, graphic t-shirts and pajama bottoms, still. "I think you've used that one."

"What do you, think? I come here for pleasure, Bunce?-"

Simon managed to raise his sleepy head to his boyfriend, tilting his neck far backwards. "Mornin' Baz." As though on queue, the other man's features immediately softened. His eyebrows upturned in the middle momentarily. Baz, already taller by at least three inches, leant down at just the perfect height for Simon just to have to extend upwards a little further to reach his mouth, which was in a smile.

Penelope grabbed a spoon from the drawer. "No, how could I think that? Coming here for pleasure? No." She began to press the tea bags in the cup slightly angrily.

"Trust me, this brings me no pleasure." Baz counteracted. He took a seat in the high chair next to his boyfriend, unraveling a navy-blue scarf from around his neck and onto it. His face already reverted back into a look of boredom.

"I am this man's mortal enemy." Simon pointed out, finally beginning to be able to wake up. Baz's eyebrows furrowed at the reminder. Penelope, on queue, went to the cupboard, and placed a third cup of tea on the table, then she began to pour sugar into Simon's cup.

"A lil' more?" Simon tried, as Penelope put her 4th spoonful of sugar into the cup of Earl Grey. "A bit more?" Again. "A little more?" Penelope dropped the spoon, and began to pour sugar from the pot of sugar itself. "A little-"

"That's enough." Baz interjected, placing his hand over the top of the cup.

"I was joking."

"Ha. Ha. Snow." Penelope placed Baz's own cup of tea in front of him. He never took any sugar with his Earl Gray, and came over frequently enough for her to know. "Thank you." Baz took the drink, and brought the cup to his mouth before setting it down immediately. "ALEISTER CROWLEY. FUCK. MY - too hot to handle!" Baz pointed his wand at the drink immediately stopped steaming. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"You won't die from hot tea."

"I'm flammable. It helps to be heat sensitive. MERLIN." "Why can't you just use magic?"

Penelope's nose twitched, irritated.

"We're having a bet to see how long she can go without magic." Simon explained. "If I win, I get to watch Animal Planet all day long - full TV custody for a week."


"Have you seen the meerkats, Baz? They stand on two legs, like humans."

"If I win, I get to watch the Big Bang Theory for a month without arguments." As though needing an explanation, Penelope continued on. "It's on at the same time as the meerkats program. Plus, it's good for -" She paused a moment. "Support." Simon looked like he wished nothing more to go back to sleep at that moment. "You wouldn't know, you would never make it before the end of the day."

"That's because it's lunacy."

Simon took to joining in. "Baz wouldn't make it one hour."

"It's inane."

"Tssk.." Penelope continued.

"It is pure, sane choice."

"Penny?" Simon whispered.

"What is it, Simon?" She whispered back, teasingly.

"Baz can't survive without magic."

"I agree."

"Quit it!" Baz erupted. 'Quit it' was a spell used to separate squabbling children. His tone was laced with magic, though, without his wand, it went no where. Like dust.

"He's saying magic words right now."

"I could make it more than a day without magic and both you bloody gits know it."

"Is that a joining of the bet?" Simon questioned, pretending to be surprised.

"Take it as you will." Baz said, passive aggressively. "What is the plan for today then?" He arched his eyebrows from behind the cup while he drank.

"I need to write an entire essay - 'How Much Is Magic To Blame For The War Of The Roses'." Penelope announced, crunching a toasted English muffin smothered in jam. "The answer is." Crunch. "A lot."

"I don't have any plans." Simon answered. He never did and Baz knew it was because Penelope would spend all of her free time helping Snow with his own coursework to get it away before the weekend. Then the three could spend all their weekend near-free of coursework (not ever entirely. You can never be entirely free of coursework). "Is it cold out?"

"Does rain fall in England?" Was the sarcasm laced reply. Well, they were in the middle of November.

"You two can go to the park," Penelope always ended up suggesting the go to plan for everyone. She never really found that she minded being with or without them. "For once it isn't raining."

"And I could find some inspiration for my next piece of coursework!" Simon exclaimed. He was taking a course on children's therapy, and it just so happened that his mentor suggested he write a children's novel he was finishing his coursework so much.

"From the cold," Baz's voice sounded monotonous. "Back to the cold."

Penelope set her cup down on the table, tying her wild red hair upwards and tightening it highly messily into a bun. She fiddled around. It stopped. She tried it again. It stayed. Then fell. A sound erupted from her that was similar to a hissing cat.

"Usually she magicks it up." Simon explained, though Baz had pieces it together.

The hair fell in messy strands around her eyes. "You guys can just lounge around if you'd like. Movies don't bother me when I work, but we've exhausted the Sherlock series."

"No," Baz countered. "The park is a great idea, that was simply my way of saying I think going to the park is a good idea. Don't you think, Simon?"

"I'll go get changed." Simon had taken the last large spoonful of now his 2nd bowl of cereal, downing his tea on the side. Sometimes Baz was amazed that  not gaining weight while scoffing down food like a last meal hadn't in fact been something Simon gained due to his magic. "But remember no magic while I'm gone either."

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