There Are No Coincidences - Chapter 1

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Simon and Baz take in Penelope's suggestion on going to the park.


To the park it had been said, so to the park they went. Campus was fairly near to Hyde Park, which currently compromised of a large green expanse filled with trees - leaves fallen - and grass that had yet to realize it shouldn't be green anymore and so crunched beneath the pair's feet. Occasionally, you passed by a fountain or a palace-like building or two.

Simon had now on a pair of denim jeans and a slightly undersized brown jacket. Normally Baz already would have secretly magicked its layers thicker (the temptation to do that now was unbearable). Him, in contrast, had replaced his large navy scarf in rounds around his neck, wore a blazer with plaid elbow patches, and sported signature black skinny jeans. Many of the people around them were from campus. Most of campus knew they were dating. Still, all they did was hold hands. Public affection wasn't always called for in either of their minds - without any particular reason behind it. The bold contrast in the amount Baz showed affection at home and the subtle amount of romantic gestures showed in public was evident. Except it nearly made his actions more tender. More delicate.More.

When he raveled Simon's hand into his, and Simon raveled Baz's hand into his, there was something much more.

"Do you ever think it's a coincidence that Basil in Picture Of Dorian Grey has the same name as you?" Simon was going on.

"It was just my father's preference."

"But it just seems like such a coincidence," It was too difficult to stop the sentence there. "And the universe is rarely so lazy."

"Why is this the only piece of educational information you ever retain about Oscar Wilde?"

Simon laughed, before he turned his head directly to his boyfriend next to him. A smile was splattered on his face. "Maybe if you just wore a yellow scarf."

"This conversation is stopping." There was moderate silence, in which both of them just looked around. They were on a path that was passing through different segments of greenery, just trying to find somewhere to sit.

"We can just sit there." Simon pointed out into the middle of a small space, blocked out only slightly by minuscule fences that rose to the ankle.

"It's going to be dirty, Snow." That was the immediate comment. "I'll get grass stains on my trousers." Except for the fact that Simon had already shrugged and grinned as he began to move forward into the area encircled by trees, forcing Baz to follow. He had to avoid hissing.

Soon, both were sitting down on the grass. Baz much more hesitantly. Hidden away by trees, it was nearly habit for Simon to end up falling over his boyfriend, like a tired child making it home. First it was just the simple leaning into the shoulder, and then it was collapsing entirely over one another. By the time that Baz's head had landed in a pile of red leaves, he didn't care about the fact that dirt was getting into his hair. Simon's warm face ended up resting on the scratchy material of his scarf. He peeled off his sheep skin gloves in order to tangle his hand into Baz's. He caught his fingers, then they parted, then caught them again.

Snow kept rambling. "Remember when my wings were really obvious?"

"And your bloody tail." Baz smirked back. "I can still feel them if I try hard enough."

"That's because it's just a distraction and invisibility spell. They're still technically present." Simon reasoned. Then he became preoccupied with something else. "Baz."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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