the truth new beginning

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(Tiara pov) after yesterday night I needed to talk to Craig,Eli,rayqan,trey,and Jacob but right now I need to wake up( end of dream thinking) awww!!!!! I totally forgot they slept in my room and you know what's funny rayqan has his face in trey's arm pit and trey' s foot is in Kevone' s mouth( that's not going to be pretty when he wakes up ) Kevone' s hand in Princeton's hair( also not going to be pretty no one touches Prince's hair alive or dead....R.I.P) and me and Craig are snuggled up with Eli I wanted to save this momment so I mind linked Sakaia " Sakaia take the picture but be supper quite the boys are asleep in my room bring Jason and denim I want them to fall asleep and be in the pic." we'll be right there tiara." there here ok give me the boys carefully don't want to wake the boys up "ok"said Sakaia I put the boys in between me and prod and she just snapped the picture it was beautiful after we were done taking the picture I went down stairs and made some egges,bacon,tocos, chicken ,pancakes, and omolets after I was done I set the table I i open the door to where the sleeping beauty' s were and I detached the boys so there wouldn't be a fight this morning I woke the boys one by one and told them to get dressed and wait for me at the game room in my room after we all did high geen I saw the boys playing my video games and they turned around before I could put the food down they're at me like wild dogs all I could saw was heal and they just stopped running towards me but prod he took the chicken again and just like last Time we ran after him I (mind linked prod )this time I'm not going to make chicken when your in the house until you learn to obey and that's when he stopped I gave him the bucket back after everyone grabbed one piece after that I pulled the boys in one by one after I saved Craig and Eli for last.________________________________________________________________(Craig's pov )

(she said that there werewolves but she isn't. The elders said something different something special about her but they wouldn't tell her. mind thinks)( tiara_( tt ) ( Craig _(prod) (tt) Craig?Craig.?Craig.?!!? are you paying attention to anything I said after the elders said I was special and they wouldn't tell me? (prod) No! I mean yes...yes (tt) then what did I say uhh (prod) you said your going to make me some chicken (tt) no I DIDN'T say anything about making you chicken!!!! (prod) then what did you say (tt) I said I'm a vampawolf my pack is the mid night sky pack I'm Luna you must obey me or my beta' s commands or other people that I give authority over you we have over 50 rules but the 5 most important rules are no betraying us, do not start fights with other packs it'll just create war,no killing pack members unless they did something unforgivable,always respect Luna' s and alpha' s. (prod) anything else is this lecture over yet I want some chicken (tt)this isn't a lecture and go get Eli and come back if don't I'm going to band you from eating chicken is that clear. (prod) ok ok ok no need to do that princess I'll get Eli and get this I've with. . . . . . . . (prod)Eli your mom wants you and me? (Eli) now I have to sit in a room with craig man just wait until my mom find out why I don't like him man now I'm in the deep ):________________________________________________________________(the author tiara)*this my first time writing a book so don't hate* sorry you guys I had a skating accident and my mate died and I'm going threw stuff and me and my wattpad family so sorry so much but the next chapter is going to be great. -------> caution don't the following if don't want a sneak peak< the next is finally the sparks show up for Tiara and Prodigy(Craig)Craig and roc royal(trey) begins to fall in love with tiara and Eli was right they are mate's and as soon as Craig and roc gets more in love month after month after month until they can't take it anymore they try to force her to mate and have sex but she won't give in pushes them away mind links beta Kevone to take over while she's gone. ( ; you'll love it I'll try my best but how will she get away when they have their body's wrapped around her and their body's together like glue you'll find out lol until then( ;

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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