Chapter 12: Marcos and the Moon-Lit House

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His head riddled with pain, Marcos tries to shake the migraine that he is having this evening. Tired and starving, Marcos lies back down and sleep on mere mossy wood planks that seem to have sprung up from under a few floor boards. He huddles in a fetal position in the corner trying to stay warm on a very cool night as the wind howls across the broken window pane. Nothing but dead silence is heard all around him for the moment as he finally lays still enough to sleep. Minutes turns into a few hours, then a sharp, piercing pricking pain shoots up from his spine to his eyes as he is awaken. His mind is wheeling as if he opens a door and sees the stars above and his heart starts to pulse harder. His eyes see a darkness peering behind the lines of trees. A faint light keeps on peeping through them as it seems to follow him in the moon light. He rubs his eyes once more and looks around only to see he is in the house in a corner. He slowly inches his way to the door and peers outward.

In the thicket of weeping willows, Marcos scans them slowly. SNAP! He rubs his eyes again. Snap! Crunch! Snap! He hears what sounds like something walking but where? He steps back inside; into the darkness, against a wall under the broken window again. Suddenly, the figure darts across the window pane and Marcos' heartbeat quickens and thinks, 'Is it Black?' Swallowing hard, he thinks again, 'I AM NOT going back!' He lifts his head slowly to peer out and sees the figure look around only to dart back into the woods on the other side of the house. He returns back to the corner he was before and makes sure no one can see him there. With his dark blue scrubs on that are shredded by the thistles and teasels; he had to go through to get to for shelter.

Hours pass by as he soon wakes from a stinging in his eyes from the sweat that had accumulated from his forehead. Bits of light stream in as a cool, crisp wind picks up dust in the house. Little mice run amuck within looking for morsels to eat. Marcos gets up; walks over to the decayed door cautiously. His short blond hair is entangled with the moss from the floor. A small foot print he noticed at the brink of the mossy walkway. Puzzled, he scans the area again just to be safe. Feet move quickly to the back of the hovel to a small path covered with punks and pigweed all around. To the west of the house, a stone wall with a few stones on the ground are near it which have fallen over the years on top of the heads of mushrooms that have sprouted up around them. Marcos begins to ascend toward the back further to look around, "SNAP!"

"Keep looking, she has to be somewhere; she could not have gotten far!" A very pissed off Black says to Tyler. "Why the hell do I always have to do the dirty work for you when you let her out in the first place," says Tyler to Black. "Look, little brother it is like letting out a dog off the leash to see how far it will wander before you capture it again." Black says. "Well, 'sarcastically' big brother, "it is not the reason you let her believe she did it on her own," and "you knew that nurse would help her," as Tyler swings around to confront Black. Black halts abruptly in the middle of the marsh, holding his binoculars in tow and says, "This is the reason you do the things you do for me because it was 'ME,' who got you an honorable discharge!" "Do not let me remind you; if it was not be for 'ME,' you would still be in the barricade pining away your pathetic life!" Black spouts back at Tyler which Tyler walks forward a few steps away from him. Tyler banters back to him as he turns around towards Black again, "I AM NOT YOUR LACKY!" Black says with a snide remark, "But brother, you are and now let us move out. The darkness is upon us and we have to find her."

The two men leap through the marsh like gazelles over a thicket only to allow Marco to get up quite suddenly and run straight forward for the vines of trees ahead of him. He creeps pass them only to get a quick glimpse of two deer off to the side gazing on some berries. He crouches down trying not to alert them and moves closer to where they are. He clearly sees that one is a doe and the other a young four-point buck. It looks up and it notices him in the distance. Marcos stills himself long enough for the young buck to raise his ears and tail to look at the area. Startled, the deer leap and jump away as something they hear. Quickly, crouching down again, Marcos hears in the distance the men coming back and he moves behind a huge tree. "I DO NOT CARE; she could not have come this far and I am going back and you can do it on your own!" Tyler barks back at Black. "Fine, we will look elsewhere tomorrow just get me out of this dank marsh before I go insane!" Black scoffs back to Tyler.

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