It Shines

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A world that surrounds us, everyone calling out, ''Oh how beautifully our world shines!" 

Yet no matter how long you look at it, it grows duller by the moment. 

Small beast crawling over its scarred surface, sucking away the nonexistent beauty. 

Starving, and dieing. 

You seem like a creature. 

You can't find any beauty in this world. 

Your sides have sunken in, and your bones present themselves in unfashionable manner. 

Glistening skin, with trails that shine of pain. 

Weathered paths across yellowing skin. 

Large eyes that convey an animal like fear.

Cowering, hunkering over. 

Hoping that the crying ringing in your ears would stop.

Wasting years creating a salty ocean. 

Falling head first, feeling the tentacles pull you down. 

Bruising, and snapping. 


Floating, kadabra. 

Magical liquid brimming in the pot. 

Baking, drying, becoming a raisin. 

Fish eyes, and matted hair. 

Glistening shine to decaying skin. 

Another creature comes along. 

Sapping at the human pot. 

Shriveling as it did. 


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