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I remember when I was little, there was me, and only me.
When I went to school, me was bad.
Me was too loud, me didn't follow directions.
It only got worse, in 3rd grade.
“Me must be a cheater she doesn't study!”
Me was dirty, and annoying.
So I got rid of me. 

Replaced me with her.
Her didn’t like mistakes, she was quiet.
Her always took notes, and did her work.
All the time hearing what they told her,
“Be yourself!”
“You're perfect the way you are!”

“ good?”
Day after day, for so long.
One day her decided to be me.

Me was still loud, she did things her way.
Me never studied.
Me enjoyed herself. 

Me was still bad.
“Disgusting homo.”
Me didn't care what they said, she was me.
Me was bad, everyone yelled at me.
Me tried really hard to do good,
But that wasn't me. 

Me didn’t like it, so me made a new her.
Her was quiet, rarely speaking to anyone.
Her didn’t talk, or do any of the fun stuff her liked.
Her simply locked me away, and covered me up.
“Who is me?”
Her had seem to have forgotten.
This made me cry. 

Me cried, tears filling the small cell.
The salty tears poured over, filling every crevice.
Her didn’t know what was causing all of those tears.
Her sat in her room, and cried for a reasons her didn't even know.
Me cried, yelling trying to be heard.
Her never heard, until that moment. 

Her needed to get rid of the tears, and crying couldn't cut it.
Grabbing a pair of scissors pulling the clashing lovers apart.
Rubbing them across her skin, releasing the angst through red water.
Her heard it.
Her eyes grew wide, and her stared at those marks she’d made.
Her heard; her heard me.
Tears poured from her eyes, me.
Me was wonderful, and good natured;
But me was trapped. 

Sadly only her, and me knew the pain.
Her tried to tell people, they brushed it off.
Never bringing it up again.
Me was trapped, and had to claw the way out.
Leaving scars as me pulled through.
Me was finally here, right where me belonged.
I could finally be me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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