Chap 9

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* Note that the Chapter says 'Derek Corbel'. Therefore, this is Derek's P.O.V

Chapter 09: Derek Corbel


I was shocked.

Busted, was the first thing I thought when Selena caught me smiling.

God damn it, Derek. I thought to myself. What would be my excuse now? I couldn't possibly let her know that I was unbelievably relieved when she'd denied Jared's offer. However, I had to admit, I expected such an answer from her.

Let's just admit one thing: he was a fool if he thought he could get so close to her so easily.

Having nothing to say, I casually grabbed my bag and left her standing there. Hopefully, she hadn't realised the awkwardness that filled my emotions. I met up with Kai in no time and right away, he noticed that something was up.

Peering behind his shoulder he shook his head and eyed me. "Dude, you know you like her. Stop denying it and ask her to the dance, damn it!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I'm not asking her. Do you seriously think she would say yes?"

"Well do you have to be such an ass to her though?"

"Forget it. I'm going with Ashy anyway." I said, trying to drop the conversation.

"Oh yeah, 'cause everyone says you two are so made for each other." He mocked in a high pitched voice and made a face of disgust. Then, he said nothing more.

Thankful, I shut my mouth, too and we said no more words on our way to the next class. Kai was my best friend, like a bro to me, but when it came to Selena, he was probably the most annoying person on the face of the Earth.

That Saturday, all the seniors met up at the school to host a car wash where all the money would be used for our end of year trip. Wanting to be a big help, and also wanting to be away from the nagging Kai for a while, I offered to wash a jeep on my own. Unfortunately, Selena and Jared had their fun by washing a car beside me. Well wasn't life just great?

I was frustrated at the fact that I found myself glancing in their direction repetitively, and felt even more aggravated at myself when Selena caught me. I was just about to curse myself under my breath when she started to talk. However, not to me.

"You know, about before, I was thinking that it would actually be cool to go with a guy like you." She smiled at Jared and I nearly puked on the inside. There was no way she was serious about that statement.

Like an idiot, he froze, then continued to pass the soapy sponge over the car. "Really? That's great! Just perfect."

"Yeah, I think it'd be fun."

I didn't dare to look in their direction. Jared was probably grinning like a fool.

Pissed off, I slammed my sponge into the bucket and stormed off. There was no way I'd sit there and have her play around in front of me. She wanted to play the cold game? I was all down for that.

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