The Begining

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There's darkness all around, nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard. Then suddenly a bright shimmering light and a loud high pitch screech rings out.

So began a new era, the time of Nescara. Our story begins with in this vast country. That has rich forests, lush plains, crystal rivers, breezy lowlands and plentiful supply of animals. But with this new era come new creatures, beings of all walks of life, of all possible races.

At first these begins just exist, but they learned to adapt and grow as a culture, a civilization. City's form, shops take root, Inn's are established, all life flourishes. But as we all know, there is no perfect place where it's peaceful 24/7 .....So with this new land, came evil.....At first the source of this evil stays hidden, letting its pawns do all the work....But as the darkness spreads, the more likely he shall emerge.

Your story begins, here in the heart of find yourself drawn to Markasel a medium sized city, here there is a store, a smithy, a stable,a tavern, an alchemist, a large Inn and lastly a city hall. (a map will be provided to help navigate) Why you were drawn here? You know not. Where will you go first? What will you do?


Tavern- a warm and welcoming place where weary travelers come to tell a tale or two, or just to have a very much needed drink. The tavern is owned by an older dwarf, who loves to tell his tales. (a map of the inside of the tavern will be provided)

Shop- here is a local shop full of produce and household items, with a very talkative quirky clerk, eager to talk an ear off. She is who everyone goes to for gossip and news. (again map will be provided)

Smithy- a grumpy old lizard, who should lay off the butterbeer, owns this "fine" establishment, though he is hard to bargain with and can be quite intrusive, he makes the best armor and weapons around. (Map will be provided)

The Inn- run by a shy, sweet widow whose heart is as big as it gets. she provides a nice cozy place to rest your head, she tends to be very kind and her prices vary, she is always willing to bargain her rooms for those less fortunate. (Map will be provided)

The Stable- run by a sweet old lady, who loves her horses, she breeds them and raises them, her prices are reasonable and she loves a good bargain. (map will be provided)

The Alchemist- run by a sly she-cat, eager to serve, but always looking to fool, don't under estimate her for small figure her claws make up for it and are razor sharp. but she is the best at what she does, potion making, enchanting, etc.

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