She's The One- A Niall Horan Fanfic

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It was dark and dreary outside. Lol, no. I was sitting on my couch at my flat watching the tv and all that was on was one direction. They were back in town and on every talk show possible. I used to live in the states, but I've lived here for about 10 years so I feel that I am like pure British since I have the accent and all. I moved here when I was 4 years old. I quite like it here. It's nice, but it's like the city never sleeps, I swear. I hear people walk by when it's late, sirens scream through my windowsill, and I can't close my eyes sometimes at night. Anyway, last night on the news it said that it was going to be sunny all day today, so before my mum left for work, I asked her if she could leave me some money so that I could go to the shops. I expected around 50-100 pounds, but she had left me 300 pounds! I don't know what she was thinking until I read the note she had left sitting beside the money. "Josie, I need you to run some errands for me. I'm just kidding! All 300 pounds are for you, and you can call a friend, if you want, to go to the shops with you. I know that you like one direction, so I thought I would tell you this. There is a one direction store called 1der World on 46th and main street. Have fun! Love, Mummy,"

"She can't be serious," I said out loud, "Is she?" I muttered. I pulled out my phone to call her, but then I remembered that she was at an open house, she was a real estate agent for British International Real Estate. I texted her instead.

Josie : Hey mum, I have a question.

I sent the text. Plopped back down on my couch, and started looking through the channels. **ding ding** My phone buzzed.

Mum: Anything honey. Just make it quick.

Josie: Okay. Is there REALLY a 1der world on 46th and main?

Mum: Yes, love. **winky emoji**


Mum: Love you, too! xx **winky emoji**

I called my friend, Cassie. "My mum left me 300 pounds and there is a 1der world on 46th and main. I'm going. Do you wanna come?"

"YES!!!!!!" I started getting ready as soon as we got off of the phone. Since it was warm and sunny outside, I put on my gray American Eagle tank and my light pink jeans. I started looking at myself in the mirror as I slipped on my gray high-top Supras. Something was missing from my outfit. SNAPBACK! That was the missing piece. I put on my light pink and gray Supra snapback. I called Cassie again and she was ready, too. She walked over to my house, and off we went.

* * * * * *

44th street, 45th street, 46TH! Cassie and I yelled in excitement as we saw the beautiful building. Red and white stripes with giant hanging posters of the boys. It was BEAUTIFUL! We walked in and saw a huge line of people just standing there. "Is that the checkout line?" asked Cassie. "I guess so," I answered as we started walking around the store. Hats, jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, jewelery, ONESIES! One direction music played all throughout the store.

"Oh....My....God...." said Cassie, pausing in between words. A bit more excitement in every word than the last.

They're here.

They're here.

They're here.

One direction was in the same building as I was. One direction! They were signing autographs. It was kind of like a meet and greet. The line that we saw was definitely NOT the checkout line, but the line to see them. It was moving pretty quick, and knowing that there would be more people sooner than later, we got in line.

* * * * * *

We'd been in line for about 30 minutes or so when we finally reached that table that they were sitting at.

"Hi. What's your name?" Harry asked. HARRY! IT WAS HARRY! "You okay?" he asked looking worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My name's Josie," I finally answered. He talked to me, and I talked back! Is this real? Omg... This is real. Really real. He signed it and passed it on down. Zayn was next. "Hi, love. How are you today?" he asked.

"Great, thanks," I answered, not believing that I hadn't passed out yet. Louis was next. "Hey, love!" he said, full of excitement.

"Hey!" I said, once again talking to another boy from one direction. He smiled. His smile could bring world peace. Dang Josie, get it together! "Here ya go, Li," OMG! LILO!

"Hi there," said Liam.

"Hi," I said back nervously. Okay, so I had officially used almost what phone memory I had left, almost died 4 times, and there was still one to go, Niall. The blonde boy was sitting at the end of the table, just waiting for the next person to come. As I walked forward towards him, he stood up, grabbed my hand, kissed it, and said in his thick Irish accent, "I'm Niall. What's your name?" I was stunned. His light blue eyes starring into my green ones. "I'm Josie," I barely managed to get out. "Nice to meet you," he said and sat back down, signed the CD case, handed it to me, and I walked away. I looked back over my shoulders to get one last glance at him only to find him starring at me. He turned his head so fast, he was just a blur. I was staring down at the CD case when Cassie walked up beside me. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Look....." I mumbled as we both stared down at the case. Niall James Horan had given me his number. "Text me, love. -Niall"

End of chapter one! I hope you liked it! There will probably be about 30-35 chapters. I'm not sure yet, but I am SUPER excited about writing this fanfiction. KEEP READING!!!

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