17th of November 2215

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I finally managed to ask someone about the freaking date. And you know what? My feeling of time was spot on. Of course that makes my 'journal entries' in my repressed memory the wrong date, but I'm most certainly not going back into that world to correct them.

Mary was so kind to give you back to me, dear journal and let me tell you, quite a few things happened in the meantime. I am now with a group that calls itself 'the resistance'.
Supposedly I have been a member of this group before I woke up in that tank, though I still have my doubts.

In fact, I'm pretty sure they're using me. All they have told me could be a big fat lie and I would be none the wiser, because I still can't remember anything by myself.
I don't know if they really want to end the Manifest moon or if they just want to use the power for themselves. I don't even know if they're actually the government pretending to be rebels, though I really don't know why they would do that.
After all I had been cooperating and I'm only telling them the same things I told Marty now.

Thinking back, I think I saw Lance and Robert back at the lab. I wonder if they were also there as 'undercover agents' of the rebellion or if they switched sides. However it is odd that about the entire rebel group would suddenly be in a presumably top-secret research facility.

But whom could I ask? Assuming that they are lying to me about my roles in the whole gig and just want to use me for something, why would they tell me the truth about them?

All I can do is move forward and hope for the best.

It's not like there's anything else I can do.

Additional entry. Marty just came in and told me, that he and a few of the bigwigs discussed what I had told them about the great dreamer and came to the conclusion that the possible gain is worth the risk. I objected that there must not be a 'gain' involved.
I fear that they might be trying to take the place of the great dreamer, to get the power of the Manifest for themselves. Quite bluntly, the very thought makes me shudder.

However now, with this on the line, there are a number of preparations I need to make prior to going to the Manifest moon. I would tell you about them, however I fear that you are supervised, just like the last journal they gave me. Suffice it to say, I don't want to be the plaything of the people around me any more.

And, as such, I want to be prepared for whatever may happen up at the Manifest moon.
Fortunately I am the only person who has the faintest of ideas of what might await us there and I do not intend to tell them of all the things I know. After all, I want to go up there.
No, that's wrong. Every fiber in my body tells me, that I need to go up there.
I don't know if I'm some sort of 'chosen one' or if I'm being delusional or anything, really. But I know for a fact that something needs to be done, or else the world really will go down in flames.

The night of the Manifest will only have been a taste of the things that are to come if the powers of the world really manage to control the power of Manifest.

But I cannot allow myself to think this way. Fate of the world is all fine and stuff, but if I keep piling pressure on myself like that, I'm about sure to fail at the most crucial of moments.

I think I'll just have to do this like I'm writing my books. Start with whatever little I know and wing it from there. After all, that's the only real way to deal with the completely unknown.

Marty let me know, that there will be a grand meeting tomorrow evening, with all the members of the revolution assembled. There they want to decide, what they will do about the Manifest moon and, even more importantly, who will get to go there.

Without a doubt they'll send quite a few soldiers, seeing how it's the mothership of the aliens and resistance is more than just 'likely', but I need to be on that shuttle and I will get on that shuttle, even if it means that I'll have to sneak aboard as a stowaway.

There's an old saying regarding that, actually.

Where there is a will, there will always be a way.

I just hope, that this way my will is showing me doesn't lead me straight into the next tragedy.

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