What Faction They Join Maze Runner

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Thomas- Thomas joins Erudite. With his natural curiosity it's no surprise that Thomas is very smart. Erudite seems fitting for him.

Minho-Minho joins candor, he is very straightforward and sassy. The freedom of speech in candor seems like heaven to him.

Newt-Newt joins Abnegation. Newt is a super sweet kid who always thinks about others before himself. He thinks that the lives of other people should always be more important than his own.

Gally- Gally joins dauntless, he is a thrill seeker and is generally very strong. I think that he's just be another Eric...

Aris- Aris would join Amity. He's a really kind kid who is misunderstood. Amity gives him the chance to work in peace away from all the llama drama.

Thanks for reading guys!

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