Chapter 7 part 1

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Fujito's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the night because there was a thunder storm. Then all of a sudden there was a flash of lightning. When that happened I quickly got up and went to the second house that was behind ours because that house was for ALL of the maid, butlers, and servants lived in and when I got there I saw that everyone was in the living room. The only reason that everyone was in the living because for some reason when I was little we would all get together when there was a thunder and lighting storm and have a mini party because we all like to have fun on depressing days even though I like rain -_- . Everyone was laughing and having fun and when they saw me the quickly dressed me up, because each time we have a party we dress up like last time we all dressed up as our favorite anime or manga person. And today's dress up day was (Just to tell you everyone in here is NOT older then the age of 21) Lolita and so all the female staff was dragging me to the extra female guest room they all dressed me up and when they were done the let me look in the mirror and I was wearing a cute blue and black dress that has a black bow on it with black flats that had a cute little bow on top. They had braided my hair and put a lot of bows and ribbons in it and also I had a cut little black and blue mini top hat that was on a clear head band. And for makeup I had a little bit of makeup like lip gloss and a bit of eyeliner but no mascara because I naturally have long eyelashes. When I saw myself my jaw dropped and my eyes got wide. After my little moment of shock I hugged to girls and thanked all of the and then we all got downstairs and then the party started. We parted all night well not all night because I had school and they had to get up early in the morning to start the day. I woke up and started the day like always got up and dressed like a boy and went to school. After school I had to go to the host club and when I got their everyone was dressed in tropical clothes and right after I closed to door it was opened again but this time by Haruhi and ( if you watched to anime you know what happens next). When I went to the changing rooms I saw to costume and when I saw the costume my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. And then Kyoya came in and when he saw the look on my face he smirked. "What is wrong?" he said. I just pushed him out of the room and changed and it felt uncomfortable. The dress was strapless and went to the floor and it had a slit that went from almost mid-thigh to the floor and it was a golden brown with a bit of blue and to finished to whole f*cking outfit the make me wear f*cking high heels that are black. Wait how the heck did they get me shoe size?! Anyways after putting on the outfit I went to get the treats somehow I was able to sneak by the host club. When I got the snacks I went out because the club was going to start in 5 minutes. But when I got out....

hehehe long time no see anyways gomen gomen for not updating buuutttt guess what I finally got a laptop well a laptop/tablet and that means that I don't need to the public library and that means MORE UPDATES!!!!! YAY !!!!!!! ANYWAYS I need to go byye LOVE Y'ALL!!!!!


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