south pole

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The boat docks and the men are unloading the ship riko wakes up hearing boxes and creates being carried and drop she looks around seeing she is no longer in the republic city anymore then she hears someone yell "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE GET HER BOY'S!!??"riko gaspe and runs away she hides behind a bumpster then she is being pushed against it she sees it is a girl dark tanned skin blue eyes and short hair like her mom the girl says"who are you and what do you want"in a sternly voice riko glups and says"um I'm who are you?"the girl lets go of her holds her hand out and says"im kirana"riko takes her hand and shakes it "hey kirana who's that?" a little boy ask "oh jet this is riko.riko meet my little brother jet" kirana says introducing them they both shake hands "nice to meet you riko"jet says "yeah you too" "so where are you from?" jet asks riko" im from republic city" "cool are you here on a vacation with your parent's" "oh um no my parent's they aren't with me it's just me" "really how come?" "well me and my mom get in a fight and well I snuck out and well you know the rest" "oh well I'm sorry about the fight you and your mom had" "thanks" there was a couple minutes of silence until riko broke it "so where are yall parent's"they both look down with sad faces "our parent's there...uh..they're gone they were mugged by a firebender he cut them down right in front of us I was 8 and jet was 5" riko takes kirana hand in hers and says "I'm so sorry" they both stare into each other's eyes jet notices it and has a big smerk on his face "THERE YOU ARE GET HER BOY'S" "oh no" "this way riko come on"riko follows jet and kirana they all jump a fence but kirana gets caught by one of the men they pull her by the hair"ahhh no let me go" riko turns around seeing her friend in trouble "HEY LET HER GO NOW!!!"riko yells at the top of her lungs she does a back flip at kicks the guy's in the face and stomach so hard that they all ran away kirana ran towards riko and kissed her on the lips riko was shocked at first then she started kissing kirana back then she broke the kiss they both look into each other's eyes but jet made a fake cough they both look at him as he told them"come on lets go home" riko and kirana nod follow jet holding hands fingers laced together

Korra and asami

"Korra sweetie wake up we're almost there" korra opens her eyes "what?" asami kisses her head"we're almost there the captin said like in 2 or 3 hours we will be docking soon" "great " " what if she still mad at me ?"  "korra your just gonna have to tell her truth?" "no I can't do that she'll be heart broken" "korra it's time you trusted her with the truth"korra sighs then says"your right asami as soon as we find her I'm gonna tell her the truth and apologize to her"korra grabs asami hand and says"I love you asami" "I love you too korra"

Hey guy's I know it's been a while since my last update but this weekend I'm gonna update but I will need some ideas so if you have some ideas feel free to tell me could use a few for the next chapter anyways I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment k bye love you guy's⬇⬇⬇⬇

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