Chapter 5

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Second week in school
*Gymnastic Lesson*
Naeun POV

"Alright....class now please be in groups of four....four person in a group I give your five minutes....if after five minutes, some of you still not in groups, I will randomly put the remaining students in the your understand ? Now five minutes start now !" Our teacher, Coach Choi said.

"Chorong unnie.....let's together in a group....."

"Of course Naeunnie....but we left with two more people, we need two more people to join....." Chorong unnie said.

"Hiiii !! Urmmm.....can we join your group ??? Please ????" Two of our classmates, boys they came up to us and ask us.....I was about to reject but I saw Bomi and Eunji coming to our direction, I don't want to group with the players so I agreed immediately.

"Thank you !!! Thank you very much !" The boys said to us. I shake hands with them. Chorong unnie was looking at me.....she was kinda unexpect this kind of thing from me...I was kinda introvert type but....I have my reasons to let them join us...because if I reject them....those two who were about to approach to us will be with us in a group already....I wouldn't want they two to be in my group so I immediately accept their request.

I saw Eunji and Bomi, their facial expression is disappointed.....well who cares about them, they have plenty of fan girls in our class so they shouldn't worry of having no teammates.

I saw a stream of girls coming up to them asking them to be in their group. Eunji just laugh it off and pick some random with Bomi. Within seconds, there are in a group already.

*Beep beep beep~*

Coach Choi blow his whistle signaling that five minutes is up. After that, we were warming up. Running around the court five rounds. As expected, Bomi and Eunji were running first they were running while talking about something. Their stamina is good. In fact, even better than our class the guys. After finish running, I ws expecting they two to be panting heavily, but they did not.....we were all panting heavily as we were told to keep running and running without stopping. Chorong unnie was leaning on my shoulder, panting. Eunji and Bomi were laughing away, looking at us they even request Coach Choi for them to run five more rounds.....there are not human ! I repeat they are not could they not be tried from this......while the rest of us, all collapsed to the floor, tired from the running, but it's just the beginning, we were doing push ups after that.

Coach Choi wants us to do one push up each time when he whistle. He whistle very fast. Sometimes fast, sometime slow. Eunji and Bomi was doing their push up seriously, I can see their arms, abit muscular....woah have they been working out.....I didn't know that they will work I know that both of them are lazy bums......after doing twenty push ups, we have our break. I went to the cooler to drink some water to cool down.

After our break, we were playing dodgeball....two teams of my classmates and also together with my team and Eunji's team inside the court, the remaining teams were outside the court, ready to throw us ball. We need to dodge the ball. If not, the ball touches us, we were out. Eliminated ! The time limit is fifteen minutes. By the end of the fifteen minutes, if there is still survivor, they will continue to play until that team is totally eliminated and left with another team.

I guess gymnastic lesson is a good lesson for our class boys and girls, for the boys, they can just right, use this time, this rare opportunity to revenge their hatred, anger from Eunji and Bomi, they can throw the ball mercilessly towards them. For the girls, they can use this chance to have abit of skinship with them.
Like 'accidentally' bump into them.

After first few powerful pass, surprisingly, Bomi and Eunji together with my team are still 'alive' Bomi and Eunji has been doing a good job of avoiding the ball. They always are able to avoid the ball, good reflex. Bomi and Eunji were smiling away this whole time as it's an easy thing for them to dodge the ball. I can see the 'fire' in the boys eyes. They were determine to eliminate them, few more passes here and there.

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