We'll never die

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I sat in the dressing room waiting for the boys to get back.

"Hey" Brittany walked over to me sitting next to me. "Hi" I nod.

"How's it?" She asked and I shrugged. "Good".

There wasn't much to say because most of the things we talk about are the things we did and we ran out of things to say.

"So you're pregnant?" She asked and my jaw hit the floor. "Who told you?" I ask and she giggled "nobody I assumed" she smiled and I sighed with relief. "is it obvious?" I ask and she shook her head. "It's my special power" she said and nudged her shoulder.

"Wait why haven't you told Niall?" She asked and I shushed her. "I can't he'll freak out" I say and she shook her head. "Doubt it he loves you way to much to throw a fit" she shrugged and I bit my lip anxiously. "Maybe but I can't" I say and turn my head to look at Sophia talking with one of the stylists.

"So I know there's a lot going on with you but I do have good news" she said and I faced her confused. "What?" I ask and she smiled brightly. "So me and Michael talked to Aston" she says and my eyes went wide.

"And..?" I egg her to tell me more.

"well we found ourselves an angel" she smirks and I jump up smiling like crazy. Screaming out.

"Wait you're serious?" I ask and she nods. I hug her tightly and run over to Michael hugging him tightly as well, catching him off guard.

I couldn't sit still waiting for Niall tears in my eyes.

"Hey babe!" Niall ran over to me once he got off stage.

"Hi" I peck his lips "you're so lucky your sweat don't smell" I say and he chuckles. "What's up?" He asked wrapping an arm around me. "Well someone told me angel is here" I say and his eye brow raises. "Who?" He asked and I shrugged. "Doesn't matter, angel is here and I need to speak with her" I say and he looks at the ground.

"Ok" he grabs my hand and leads me to the 5sos dressing room, distant talking was heard.

"Hey" Niall walked in me behind him

"ELLA!!" Angel ran over to me hugging me tightly.

I hugged back crying. "I swear to god you do that again and I'll kill you" I say and she giggles.

I kissed her cheek and smiles brightly.

She pulled away.

I them felt a sharp pain in my stomach causing me to hunch forward.

Calum stepped forward protectively beside angel. Niall stepped closer to me putting a hand on my back and I whimpered.

"You ok?" He asked and I shook my head. "Ella?" She asked me and my head shot up "you ok?" She asked again and I cried out.

Calum pulled her to his chest as Niall picked me up and took me out of there.

Sharp stabs were being placed all over my lower region.

"Niall help" I whimpered and he kissed my forehead taking me to the hospital.

MINE ~Niall Horan~Where stories live. Discover now