Chapter Three

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Louis' POV

I bit the bottom of my lip as I watch Harry walk out of the bathroom with fresh, new clothes on. A blue plaid button-up wraps tightly against his muscular torso, as well as a white tank underneath. All tied together perfectly with dark denim to compliment his long legs and white converse fitted on his large feet. He looks like a clean, hot mess. Whatever, back to my online reading. My eyes scan from the gorgeous boy back to my bright laptop screen, reading the time, 7:32 PM.

My attention goes straight back to Harry, watching him from the corner of my eyes just to make sure we don't make awkward eye-contact again. He is just so damn distracting.

I was on the top bunk, my part of the bed, gazing over the room like I was an eagle in a nest. I'm pretty skeptical about having the top-bunk, mainly because I toss and turn all the time when I sleep and often find myself on the ground when I wake up. This bad habit started all the way before my parents got a divorce. The reoccurring nightmares was triggered when my parents started fighting when they were together. Home was like hell. Not only it that but I had the most difficult time trying to maintain my grades and comforting my 4 younger sisters when all we heard every night was shouting and breaking glass. Luckily after that, my real father decided to move out and my mother made the decision to marry this new dickhead named Dan. As far as I know, he makes my mom happy and that's all I want for her. No matter how much he treats me like shit, I don't care. All I wanted was happiness for my mom even though if it meant surrendering my own.

I look down beside my arm, catching a glimpse of the metal bar preventing me from rolling off the top bunk. Good thing that's there.

"Do you want any food? I'm going out now..."

I look up, finding Harry about to exit out the door, looking directly at me emotionless.

"Uh... I-I don't know. I don't really think I'm hungry." I quickly respond.

He tilts his head slightly, scratching his curly locks, "Well okay. If you want any food there are some you can microwave in the mini-fridge..."

I nod my head, slightly smiling, "Okay, thanks."

I watch as he disappears through the door and I let out a relieved sigh.

Gurrrggghhh... I hear my stomach rumble. Well, I lied. I'm extremely hungry and I haven't ate anything since 6 hours ago. I feel perished but I'm just not that type of person that ask from others or really, I'm not the one that expect things from others. Maybe it's just how much of an independent person I am but to be quite honest, it was probably because I had no friends in high-school. I'm not used to being comfortable around others. I guess you could just call me the socially awkward boy in the school. I am the nobody.

I step down from the ladder of the bunk bed, planting both of my feet on the soft carpet, pacing myself towards the small mini-fridge. I swing the door open and my eyes widen.

Two 6-pack coronas boxes fill up the majority of the space in the refrigerator as well as three other bottles of hard liquor. Can't students get expelled for alcohol possession on campus? I hope Harry knows that or he would definitely get in trouble with staff during monthly dormitory checks.

I exhale out of mouth, scanning my eyes pass the bottles and onto a slice of pizza that looks that it has been sitting there for a week. Suddenly, I don't feel so hungry anymore.

I close the refrigerator door, rubbing the tips of my fingers on the sides of my head, breathing out from my mouth and I close my eyes.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of my mysterious roommate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two hours has past and still no sign of Harry. I wonder where he went...

I yawn loudly, rubbing my fatigue eyes. Suddenly, I realized that Mom had packed some food inside one of my luggage cases that I forgot to take out. I'm fucking starved so whatever that's in there will do.

I push myself out of my blanket and jump down from the top-bunk lightly, making a soft landing on the carpeted floor. The large blue luggage was sprawled on the floor, half opened, next to the bed. As my arm reaches toward the silver zipper of the luggage case my eyes catch onto something familiar.

The black box is peaking out from the bottom of the bunk-bed and it's just so hard to resist. Like, what did Harry feel so threatened when I saw all those medicine bottles? He looked terrified as a mouse yet intimating as a lion. What bothered him so much? They're just pill bottles, no?

My hand reaches towards the black box, placing it on the top, lifting it gently and exposing what's inside.

Dozens of pill bottles from before fill up the space in the box but I wanted to know why Harry want to keep it so subliminal. My right palm hovers over a pill container filled with white capsules and I pick it up, my jaw drops as I read the bold letters printed across the medical sticker.

"Anabolic Steroids"

I scratch my head, confused. Aren't steroids illegal here?

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hear a loud, deep voice yell causing me to flinch.

I slowly turn my head, facing the door, catching the familar figure of Harry's. He looked tempered.


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End of Chapter 3. 

Author Notes: This chapter kinda sucks... hahah? Sorry I actually rushed it but ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER FOR YOU GUYS<3  Please tell me how you're liking this story and suggestions! Thank you! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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