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Autumn POV
I pulled the straps onto my shoulders of the tank top I was going to wear today. Jack is coming in an hour because Dad is not going to be here. I finished getting dressed when Rover ran into my room." Hey bub!!" I said and rubbed his ears. He licked me all over my face and then a weird looking Emma came in my room.

"Autumn do you know-oh there he is!! Rove come on I'll get you in a tutu" she squealed and ran off. Woah that kid has issues and I face palmed.

Emma and I were at the table when Jack burst through the door."JACK!!" Emma and I squealed and ran into him." Ok ok don't give me a Horan hug. Only he can give me one" Jack fake dying. Emma slaps a hand over her mouth and is laughing hysterically. I join in and we laugh until we're out of giggles and tears. Dad hugs us then runs out the door. Jack gets the pancakes off the large plate and put the other breakfast items on there too." Thanks Jacko" Emma and I said at the same time then ate our breakfast.

Since it's Saturday we can relax and have no worries at all. Emma was listening to her iPod with headphones in and I was listening in my phone." Change Your Ticket" came on and I belted out the lyrics

Watchin you get dressed messes with my head...
Let change your ticket home..
I sang the rest of the song and Emma and Jack were there." Your good Sis" Emma said and Jacked nodded." Thanks guys but I sound like a whale dying" I said and they left." Right Now" came on and I started crying. I have a horrible past I've never told anyone. I don't want to say right now but I will one day. After all the songs it was lunch. Mac and cheese. We ate it then Emma played in her room and I stared at the wall. Flashback:
Mommy threw against the wall and slapped me." You little s79&$ head!! I'm tired of your a**  living in my life!! F** you!!" Mommy screamed and pushed me out the door." Sleep there you little mutt" she growled and locked the slammed door.
End of flashback
I was under my bed looking at my Zayn poster. Oh how I love you man. I smiled to myself then buried back under the bed.

It was bedtime and I fell asleep under my bed. Dad took me out and put me on his lap." Daddy we should tell them" I whispered. He nodded and placed me in my bed." Night darling" he whispered." Night daddy" I whispered back falling into a nightmare filled sleep.

Cliffhanger!! What will happen?!! Chapter 3 and 5 on shaytardsfan2004 account

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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