Chapter 1: The game creation Club

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... Well I'm not sure if people actually watched this anime to me its pretty funny sooo yeah I hope you guys like this story maybe maybe not it's up to you and junk so yeah I'll see at the end of this Chapter Bye~

The camera showed a school and a girl with yellow hair and brown eyes were passing out fliers in front of the school "Um exc-" "Would you-" She pouted and turned Chibi.

Someone bumped into her and she dropped the Fliers she started picking them up and one of them lands by my feet and I pick it up "Hey you dropped this?" She looked up at me as I handed her the flier "See ya" I walked in the school and she turned around "Thank-" I was already in the school before she could say Thank You

I walked in the school threw the hallways "Man everyone seems to be in a club... maybe I should join one..but which one?" I looked around and walked down a hallway "Archery, Chess, ew math club" I sighed and walked further down the hallway and I smelled something burning and saw smoke coming from a classroom.

I opened the door and saw four girls around a fire "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, WHY IS THERE A FIRE IN HERE!?" The same blonde girl I saw before looked at me and her eyes widen a bit "SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"

She turned around and looked at me "This is an illusion"

"NO THE HELL IT ISN'T!" I saw a fire extinguisher and grabbed it "Alright stand!" I started spraying it towards the fire with it after the fire was put out it was silence then everyone raised their hands in the air and we all cheered "YEAH THE DAY IS SAVED THE DAY!"
As I was raising my hands in the air I thought to myself (Wait why am I cheering? I only put out a small fire)

I looked around the room and saw fireworks on the ground "Why the hell are there fireworks here?"

The blonde girl looked at me "We thought it would help attract a member and it seemed it worked"

"WHAT TYPE OF IDEA IS THAT ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!" I sighed "Who are you girls anyways?"

The blonde girl looked at me "I'm Rako Shibasaki and my element us Fire"
The girl in pink looked at me "I'm Sakura Mizukami and my element is water"
The girl in blue looked at me "My name is Minami Osowa my element is lighting"

The door slid opened and a girl with purple hair looked at me "Hey who's this guy?"

Roka looked at her "We don't he just put out our fire"

I looked at her "Who are you?"
She looked at me and crossed her arms "I'm Chitose Karasuyama and my element is Ground" I just gave them a deadpan expression "Okay? So what club is this?"

Roka looked at me "This is the game creation club and I'm the president"
"Well then alright I'm out" I walked to the door only to be stopped by Chitose putting her hand on my shoulder "Sorry but we can't let you go your gonna be our new member whether you like it or not"

I turned my head and looked back at her and swatted her hand off "Fuck you mean!" I ran off down the hallway and Sakura looked at me "He's fast!"
Roka looked at me as I ran out "Lets get him if we don't our club will shut down" They nodded

I kept running down the hall and Chitose caught up to me and I loomed at her "Damn your fast"
She smiled "And your cold"
"Wait what" She punched me dead in the face knocking me out she smiled "Knocked out cold" just wow remember kids in anime girls with purple hair they are the ones you need to watch out for.....I'm serious

After awhile I was dragged back to the club room and Roka put a purple bag over my head and she had Minami tazer in her hand and dark aura was surrounding her body and her pupils looked like the were shrunk and they had turned yellow "So will you join our club or not?"
She stared at me turning on letting the electricity flow threw it

"Alright alright I'll join your club just take this bag off my head!" Roka took it off and Chitose handed me the permission slipped and I started to sign it and Chitose crossed her arms "No resisting that's good" I gave her the slip "You happy now?" She smiled "Very" she looked at it "Seems legit" I walked to the door (Alright phrase one complete now I just gotta catch her by the office and snag it before she turns it in)

She walked to Minami and handed her the slip "Alright here you go Minami" I looked at them ".....what?" She looked at me holding the slip "Oh yeah, I'm a teacher did I forget to mention that?" I just starred at them and I took the slip from her hand and simply ran out the door down the hall "Got me fucked up" Sakura was running by my side "What the how did you get here?" She smiled "I knew you were gonna run for it again so I got into running position the second you took the permission slip" I look at her and sweat drop "Oh wait I forgot my water bottle don't go anywhere I'll be right back" she turned around and went back to the club room

I looked at her "Geez they take there gaming seriously" I kept running and Roka appeared in front of me and I stopped and looked at her "Uhh" she looked at me "If you surrender now I won't hurt you" she was looking all cute with hearts floating around her

....Roka used attract what will Travis do?

I looked at her "I'm not going to fall for that fake ass shit!"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *jumps in a crowd of people*
Matthew: Damn
Denzil: Damn
Tyrai: Damn

She looked at me and fell to her knees "fine you gave me no choice" the area turned pitch black and all I could see was her yellow eyes and she moved around quick (Damn I'm in trouble wait it'll be a while before they get here) I ran and moved threw the sheets and as they came off I saw that was tripping over a window and started fall over (Yeah nay have got to cocky there) I started falling out and I closed my eyes (I didn't hit the ground yet?) I opened them to see Roka holding my keg "Alright now pull me up!" She looked at me "Say you'll join the club"
She looked at me "Say you'll join say it"
She looked at me and shadows covering her eyes "No your wrong... that club is where I can be myself and if it shuts down....."
I look at her (She really loves that club) I started slipping "Okay okay I'll join just dont drop me" she looked at me "Sorry but I'm losing strength" she started falling out only to be caught by Chitose and the others pulling us up

"Man thanks guys I thought I was done for" I saw Roka leaning against the wall and I walked to her and gave her the permission slip she looked at me and smiled "Welcome to the Game creation club"
I looked at her and smiled a bit "Happy to be a member"
She looked at me and smiled and so did everyone

Next Day

I was sitting on the side if the school "man I let that moment get the better of me" I was having a flashback of yesterday "Oh well it can't be helped I'm in there club"

Well thats it for this chapter I hoped you all enjoyed it I'll see you guys later

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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