Chapter 12 - Do You Love Her?

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{Hiccup POV}

Astrid hasn't woken up since the day she blasted Pitch's face into bits. That was also the first time ever since the Great War that Sparks has ever encountered the first spark of the Dragon's Flame.

Or at least that's what us council members think.

Since Astrid is the Princess of Sparks, we thought that whatever sparks that ignited from her hands must be the Dragon's Flame. And it would only be logical that she has contradicting powers because her mother - the queen - has water powers. Now all that matters is for Astrid to wake up and ignite that spark again. She might even be able to defeat Pitch.

But I don't care about any of that.

I just want Astrid to be safe, I want her to wake up as soon as possible. I want so see her smile, her pouty face and her gorgeous blue eyes again.

I want her to bring me to Earth to live life with her. Even thought it wouldn't be right of me to just leave my chiefly duties her and run off, but it'll still be worth it.

The thing is, we don't know if Astrid's gonna wake up anytime soon. The nurses said she's too weak because Pitch had already drained some of her power and also because she used all her strength to set herself free.

I heaved a sigh of despair. It's already been four days, the fifth was about to end.

I glanced at the big clock at the corner of the room. I observed the minute hand and the second hand racing to end the hour.

It's ten twenty three. I said aloud in my mind.

I closed my eyes and let my head drop onto my hands.

"She's still not up?" I heard someone ask from behind. Maybe I was too tired to even hear the door open. I have been watching for four whole days anyways, barely moved or ate anything.

I turned my head slowly. It's Jack.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I asked.

" Well I could ask the same for you."

A smile flashed up my face, and it disappeared again as soon as I turn back to face Astrid.

"Dude you don't have to keep watching her you know? Let Elsa and the others do it, you go get some rest. It has been four long days." Jack placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I know." I whispered.

Jack cocked his eyebrow.

"I just don't want to leave her you know." I said.

Jack raised his hands as if surrendering, as he let his body fall onto a chair not far from me.

"You do love her, don't you?" 

I looked at Astrid, observed her features.

Her face was soft as ever, and her complexion was perfect. Rapunzel would definitely ask her for beauty advice. Her blonde hair was down, falling onto her cheeks and her shoulder. Her lips were formed into a line, not smiling.

Wouldn't she be more beautiful if she was smiling.

I looked back up at Jack.


I smiled to myself.

"Well bro, it's love. Clearly not something I can help you with. But some basic advice, get to know her better, make a move to show her that you love her. She can't always possibly be in the dark." Jack got up from his chair, and headed towards the door.

"You sure you don't wanna break?" He checked again.

I nodded to reassure him.

"Hmm, okay rest well, don't tire yourself. You should get some sleep too." Then he gently closed the door.

"Yeah I should." I said to myself.

I found a spot beside Astrid and laid my arms there, folded. I let my head rest on my arms. I closed my eyes and sleep overcame me faster than I expected.



Yes short chapter I know, but I'd probably update the next chapter earlier.

Do you guys have any chapter requests? Like what do you hope to see in the next chapter etc. Do tell me in the comments!


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