Untitled Part 1

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April; also known as the most dangerous time on the Moby Dick and the time when hilarity and chaos ensues.

No, it wasn't the weather, and no, fights against the brave souls who attempt to take down the White Beard Pirates weren't any more difficult than they usually are.

One word: shenanigans.

Shenanigans, shenanigans, everywhere; no one was ever safe! What used to be April fool's day, turned into April fools week, and then it escalated into a full thirty days of pranks. Of course, this year, you had planned months in advance to take down the self-proclaimed, "King of Pranks," Portgas D. Ace.

"Oh, Portgaaaaaas~," You call out in a sing-song voice. "Where are you?"

"Death from above!" Ace exclaims as he hurls a water balloon at you. It exploded in your face, soaking your shirt, and hair. You brushed the wet hair from your eyes.

"Not cool, Portgas." You huffed and pouted. "But, I've already gotten you back." You smirked. "Prepare to be overthrown, King of Pranks!" You laugh maniacally, and walk away, leaving a slightly-concerned-about-your-sanity Ace behind you. You make your way to the kitchen with a confident swagger in your step, remembering the advertisements that you had posted at the islands that you had previously stopped at.

"Pterodactyl Scream Contest; loudest and most obnoxious screech will win a HUGE prize! Just call the number written below and screech. No need to say that you're entering the contest in your entry! Enter from April 1st to April 30th; the winner will be contacted via denden mushi. Bonus points go to whoever calls during the late hours of the night! See below for more details!"

"Hey, (Name), want to try a cookie?" Thatch asked, holding out a platter of pseudo-chocolate chip cookies.

"I'd love to if it wasn't April. How stupid do you think I am?" You jokingly scolded and poked his chest. "Go offer one to Ace, he never turns down food."

Thatch laughed heartily. "Why do I have a feeling this is going to end badly?"

"Because it probably will," You pointed out. "I just hope Ace doesn't suspend all of the furniture in jello again." You added with a shudder.

"We all do. I was shitting blue for weeks." Thatch said.

"Oh, too much information, Thatch," You groaned and grimaced. "But, anyways; I am going to win this year." You stated confidently.


You grinned, "see you 'round, Thatch." You said with a wave and promptly left the kitchen, walking towards where you heard the first division yell from. Still wet from his shower, he furiously wiped his hair with a towel, failing to get the green dye out of his formerly blond hair.

"Pfft, nice hair, Marco, it's a great look for you!" You laughed at his now-green hair.

"(Name)," Marco said lowly. "You wouldn't happen to know who did this, would you-yoi?"

"No," you lied. "Ask Ace. Last time I saw him he was in the storage room." Marco stormed off in the direction of said room and you trailed behind him. When the two of you got to the room, he angrily opened the door into the storage room which was currently full of pineapples.

"Ace, get your ass out here-yoi!" Marco commanded, but was met with no response. The citrusy smell invaded your nostrils and you grinned.

"Go, young pineapple!" You shouted and slammed the door and quickly locked it. "Join your brethren!" You ran the hell away from the room.

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