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"Riker where are you? You said you'd help me finish painting Anthony's room," Savannah asks.

Riker looks at the clock on the wall "Shit baby, its seven already? I'll be home in a few minutes,"

"Okay Riker. See you soon, I love you," Savannah says sighing.

The bartender sets another drink in front of Riker "Love you too," he says quickly before hanging up.

He swallows a long gulp, the burn tingles in his throat making him feel bubbly inside. A red headed woman dressed in clothes that are too small for her sits on the empty bar stool next to Riker.

"Need another drink there hottie?" she asks.

He smiles "No, but you do,"

The woman sticks her hand out, Riker places his hand around hers "Names Rebecca,"

"Johnny, two Captain Morgans for me and Rebecca! Coconut rum please!" Riker says, waving to the bartender.

Rebecca moves closer "Thought you didn't need another drink..." She ends with a question tone in her voice.

"Riker. My name is Riker," Riker says "And I think I'll need a few more if you're going to be here,"

She smiles as Johnny slides two glass in front of her and Riker. Rebecca raises her glass, sweeping her arm across the counter. A bowl of peanuts sails to the floor.

"Fuck!" She hops off the stool and bends over to clean up the scattered mess.

Riker looks down and eyes her cleavage. A smug smile works its way on to his face "Rebecca, forget about it,"

She looks up "I made the mess, I should clean it up,"

Riker shakes his head, standing from his stool. He grabs Rebecca's hand and pulls her up "Let's get out of here. You and me," he whispers in her ear.

She blushes lightly "Sure pretty boy,"

Riker's grin widens. He turns and guides Rebecca to the door, holding it open for her like a gentleman. Once they're out in the city lights, Rebecca shivers.

"Here, take my jacket," Riker says, slipping his black leather jacket off his shoulders.

He drapes it over her shoulders "Why thank you," Rebecca laughs, drunkly

Riker chuckles and loops his arm around her neck, pulling her into his side. Rebecca wraps her arm around his waist.

Rebecca directs Riker towards a dark alley "Come here you dirty boy. Let's see you work your magic on me,"

She grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him into the alley, pressing his back against the brick wall. She grabs his face and lowers it and kisses him. Riker doesn't hesitate, he kisses back and slides his hands up and down her back.

Rebecca plays with the ends of his blonde hair and steps closer. Riker switches their positions, her back now to the wall. He puts his hands on the wall beside Rebecca's head "You're quite sexy tonight Rebecca,"

"You too Riker," She continues the kissing.

Riker and Rebecca lean back for air. Her bangs fall over her eyes, Riker brushes them behind her ear. The moon light shines on his wedding ring.

"Riker, what is that?" Rebecca grabs his hand, studying the silver ring.

She pushes him away "You're married!?' she shouts angrily.

"Shit, I fucked up again," Riker scolds himself mentally.

"Men like you are disgusting pigs! Don't know how to treat woman!" Rebecca yells at Riker.

She begins to walk away, her high heels clicking on the pavement "At least I don't dress like a hooker!" Riker shouts.

Rebecca extends her arm over her head and flips Riker off, then tosses his jacket to the ground.

"You tramp! That's not a cheap jacket!" Riker yells, jogging to his coat.

Rebecca is stopped by another man, they chat briefly, then the guy makes his way to Riker.

"You trying to steal my girl punk!?" He shouts.

"I'd get a better one if I we're you! She made the move on me.. And I'm married!" Riker flashes his ring.

The man lunges forward, swinging his fist. It collides with Riker's jaw with a thud. Rage stirs in Riker's stomach. They engage in a intense fight, but the man has more muscle getting the upper hand.

Riker becomes dizzy and collapses in a puddle. He kicks Riker in the stomach "Keep your grubby hands off other guys' girls!" He kicks him again.

Riker cries out, feeling some of his ribs crack "Okay okay! Please stop!"

"Not so tough now, are you?" He shouts, bending down and grabbing a handful of Riker's hair.

"no please stop.." Riker mumbles.

But the man smashes Riker's head down to the sidewalk. Everything goes black for Riker, but jumps back to reality right after.

Rebecca walks over "Good job baby,"

The guy makes out quickly with Rebecca "You picked a good one. Now check his wallet, grab his phone, and let's get out of here,"

She nods and pats Riker's jeans, rolling the dazed figure over and slipping his wallet from his back pocket.

"right jacket.. pocket," Riker whispers.

Rebecca picks up his jacket and shakes his phone out of the leather "Let's go darling," He says.

Riker watches through slit eyes as the duo walks away and disappears around the corner "have to.. get home," he coughs.

Everlasting Love (Riker Lynch/Savannah Latimer/Rikvannah)Where stories live. Discover now