Diseased Past

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Okay guys, don't judge. This is based on a reoccurring dream I've had since I was  child.



Fear struck her as she ran through the dark corridors of the old family plantation. She couldn't think or speak anymore, the words came out as one big jumbled mess. The 14 year old girl could only hear two things - the sound of the mans footsteps echoing behind her, and the vicious throbbing of her own heart beat. Their shadows danced along the wall beside them, and in her mind, she felt as though the hallway would never end. Suddenly she felt a hand grab her shoulder and pull her to an abrupt stop. She was whirled around and pulled face to face with her fiance, Daniel.

"Penny, something is wrong with your father. I walked into his study and he ran at me like a mad man. His eyes were more red than a man who has had six glasses of whiskey. He tried to bite me!" Daniel spoke in a quick, flustered, and frightened tone. "Penny, I am severely concerned your father may have caught Jazabelle's disease." Penny though of her dead horse they had put down a few days before. Jazabelle had the same symptoms Daniel was describing about her father.

She opened her mouth preparing to respond, when shrieks of pain filled the quiet corridors of the plantation. Horror began to cover her face as she witnessed her father ripping the man she loved to shreds. She began to scream as she watched the gory event take place in front of her. Startling her father, he scrambled to his feet in an infected rage, tackling his oldest child, and pressing her roughly against the floor. From all around her fathers mouth her dead fiance's blood dripped onto her face. Penny could only get one word out before he ripped out her still beating heart.



Hey guys. This is the introduction to the new story I am writing. I know its short, but if ya'll give me at least 5 votes I will write on. If not I guess it's time to throw in the towel on this story. Please vote Favorite, comment and follow!!!!!

~ Your Potato Overlord.

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