He wouldn't. Right?

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Coryns POV- "Sammy babe please you don't have to look perfect it's just a double date." You glared at Sammy fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror.
"Coryn I want to look presentable. I mean Shawn is like my best friend and you KNOW he'll make fun of me if I don't look 'picture perfect' especially with the Cameras always following us around everywhere." I mean you get that Sammy and Shawn are famous and all but you can't help but get jealous at times. You try to always remind myself that he's yours. No one can change that. But even though you remind yourself time and time again it still gets to you. You like him too much to ever think about loosing him to some groupie fan girl who's might be way hotter than you. And it worries you even more that Sammy has been acting strange ever since he got back from California after playing shows.
15 minutes later:
You looked outside the car window to find about 30-40 girls outside of where we were having our double date at. "Can we ever just take a day to ourselves? Like seriously it's getting annoying." You said obviously annoyed but only trying to hint at it a little bit.
"Babe it's not THAT bad. I mean it's what happens when you date a hot guy like me." He smirked and you couldn't help but laugh. He stopped and leaned in to kiss you and once you kissed you pushed him away saying "We will resume this later." You smirked and he kissed your cheek. You thought about how you were probably over thinking the situation anyway. Sammy loves you more than anyone else. He would never hurt you, right?

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