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In the very stillness of the night, a night so still that it seems as though the very wind itself holds its breath, a group of dark cloaked figures carry the body of an unconscious youth through the looming forest. Silently they glide to the shadow covered ruins of a chapel. Upon entering the fallen cathedral, the mass waits as the stone altar slides away; revealing spiral stairs. With a grunt, two hooded figures lift the stretcher as the remaining group descends into the depths.

"So it begins." states a smooth feminine voice, standing upon the broken cross atop the crumbled roof.

"Your orders?" a deep voice inquires, appearing beside the first.

"Assemble the Bhlru'Mur, Mal'vatok." The female replies, her piercing grey eyes fixated on the slowly closing entry.

"And the girl?"

Turning a quick glance at her companion she smirks. "I think it's time that we placed her corpse on the board. Send Acard to finish her."

"As you command, Lady Isha." The male states; flashing his fangs in an infernal smile, he disappears from view.

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