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Everyone, and by everyone, I mean everyone, has had a life changing experience that shaped them to be the person that they are today. It might take a bit of soul searching and deep digging to find that moment, it's hidden somewhere in that amazing brain of yours.

This moment could be something small, like the first A on a report card, or it could be something big, such as your experience with bullying. It all depends on one person--you. You make the decisions with this. It is none others decision other than yourself. This moment could be anything and everything. It could be anything from when you first got into your favorite hobby to coming to terms with your sexuality. It is not limited to these however. Whatever shaped you to be the man/woman you are today is all that you need to write about.

How this works is you will write a piece about the biggest moment in your life and send it to my email ( and I'll copy and paste it to this story so that it can be shown to the rest of the Wattpad community. You have the choice of your submission being anonymous. If you'd rather stay anonymous, please say so in your email. If you'd rather not be anonymous, please state your Wattpad user so that I may dedicate the submission to you.

For the first submission, I'll write my own just so you can sed how things work and how they are set up and all that jazz. These submission do not need to have titles, but if you'd like to add a title, then feel free to do so.

- Emileigh

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