The mistake

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She was going to the supermarket. That was all she she was doing. She wanted to buy groceries on her way back home. What did she ever do wrong?

Her day had already been so exhausting because being a pediatrician, she had to deal with cries and confused parents everyday.

She loved her job, she really did. Watching all those beautiful little angels was a lovely experience but as soon as they would start crying and the parents started panicking, it gave her a headache.

But nonetheless, it was her job. And she was pretty satisfied with the pay and she was used to this by now.

But once she was done with everyone at 5, all she wanted to do was be under her covers and relax.

Witnessing somebody getting killed was not on her list.

She really didn't intend to do that but it just so happened that she had parked her car a little away from the clinic and that was probably where she went wrong.

Oh no, she went wrong when she saw him.

She remembered the scene very vividly and it almost haunted her.

A guy dressed in a white shirt and a typical pair of light washed denim jeans, looking very good in them she may specify, walked by her when she was about to unlock her car and when he had reached a little away from her; out of nowhere, literally out of nowhere, this man with dirty blonde hair ran to him and clutched his neck, pointing a gun at his head with gritted teeth.

She saw him shouting at the guy under his grip and although she could only hear some cuss words and cries of


because they were still at a distance from her, she was sure that this was going to be nasty.

She should have called the police or sat down in her car immediately and never look back or shout or at least do something but she was stupefied.

That was her biggest mistake.

She saw him pleading for mercy, even trying to escape from all of that somehow and she saw the bullet go right into his forehead and that's where she lost it.

Everything fell silent.

A loud gasp escaped her mouth as the guy collapsed to the ground and her car's keys dropped from her hands.

The guy who was looking at the dead body a second before, shot his eyes to her with shocked eyes, alarmed that somebody had seen the sight.

It was then that her body took reflex action and she immediately bent down to grab her keys. She opened the car and sat down as fast she could, to get out of that place. She must have broke the accelerator because the car roared as she hastily drove away, not looking back even once.

The whole thing kept replaying in her mind till she got home and it was happening again since she couldn't sleep at all.

She was wide awake and no matter how hard she tried, sleep wouldn't reach her.

She closed her eyes for the umpteenth time hoping that this time she could sleep.

This whole thing was terrifying.

And she knew the guy had seen her and her car and the number on it. He could come here and kill her if he wanted.

She had no idea what to do. She could tell the police but what would she really tell them? That she saw a man randomly killing somebody in broad daylight and she ran away from there and now she had no idea where the body was.

She had checked the news and nobody had reported anything, not even her assistant Cassie whose car was parked in the same area but she wasn't there to witness anything, that meant that the body had already disappeared.

She considered telling the police her story and leaving the whole thing to them but amid that thought she heard something.

She could hear a car pull outside her house and seconds after that, she heard a knock.

It was 2 a.m.

Who could possibly come? She lived alone, away from her mother and she had only two friends in the city who never stayed up late.

Her eyes shot open in horror and-

The sound of her scream cut through the silence.


A/N : New story!! I'm very excited for this one and it's a very different concept (I think?¿) but I hope y'all like it!!

Vote and Comment, I'd love to know what you think!


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