Chapter 1- A Fantastic Day

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Once upon a time, in a bedroom far far away there lived a fan. In the room across the hall there lived another fan. One beautiful and very spinny. The other old, rickety and dusty, having troubles being spinny. Secretly each fan loved the other but never did they share their secret. When the humans, who lived in the large, Victorian style home, were gone, the fans would begin to speak. With soft, unsteady whispers of wind they would communicate secrets and tell fantastic jokes.

One day, it was a Thursday, Bill, the dusty fan, suddenly heard a lovely noise vibrating through the walls. Being the huge heavy metal fan he is, he begun to shake and sing in harsh breezes. Rose, the beautiful fan, was encaptured by the sweet sounds of his rock music. She begun to sway gently and finally let off a few quick releases of air (almost like a human's toot from the rear end). The day ended with the two fans sharing soft breezes indicating their goodnight wishes. Both fans slept a peaceful night, rotating at gentle speeds and keeping their cool humans at a reasonable temperature.

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