Chapter 1

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My name is Sapphire Domain. My story is very different from others. I've probably fought more inner battles than most. I'm here to tell you a story, a story that most won't believe, but trust me. It did happen, and I had to go through it all. So, here's my story.

It all started when I turned 12. I had woken up like I usually do, ate breakfast with my parents, then went and got ready for the day. It was summer so I didn't have to deal with annoying people that like to think their so high and mighty. I slipped on my shoes, hollering to my parents that I was heading out. "Be careful!" They called back, then I was off. I'm a huge book nerd and always have my nose stuck in a new book. I arrived at the library quickly and walked into the office. "Hey Mrs. Lori." I say and she looks up at me. "Hello Sapphire! We got new books yesterday afternoon, could you put them away, please?"She asks, pointing to the couple stacks of books. I nod, "Of course!" I chirp, and grab the books, setting them on the cart. Most of them were fiction and I headed to the fiction shelves, in a corner on the other side of the library.

I was putting books on the shelves when I felt a presence. I looked behind me and saw a guy looking at me. I cleared my throat, "May I help you?" I asked and he quirks his eyebrow. "Yes." He said in a rough voice. "I'm looking for a book about supernaturals." I nodded and motioned my hand for him to follow me, and I headed a little further down the shelves, to the supernatural fiction. "Here's all the fiction books about supernatural" I said, motioning my hand towards the book's."If you need anything I'll be further up the aisle." I say and move to go around him, back to the cart, but what he said stopped me. "Thanks, Sapphire." I halt, and look back at him. I knew I didn't put my name tag on, so how'd he know my name? "How do you know my name?" I asked, pretty much glaring at him. He started walking towards me and I took a step back, the process repeating until my back hit a wall. His hands hit the wall on either side of my head and he leaned forward, his lips by my ear. "You'll find out soon enough, love." Then he was gone. I struggled to breath, and I felt lightheaded. What was that? I quickly finished putting the books away and left the library, running home.

Thats where my beginning, begins. I didn't see the guy again. School was right around the corner and I dreaded it. But it was 2 days before the first day when it happened. It started out normal, ended weirdly. Well, let me tell you what actually happened. I was on my daily run in the woods, when a huge brown wolf came out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground. I screamed and struggled under its weight, when another huge black wolf appeared and crashed into the brown one, pushing it off me. The black wolf stood protective over me, snapping its jaws at the brown wolf. The brown wolf growled, but backed off, and ran back into the green. I looked up at the wolf above me, seeing it's blue eyes stare back into my eyes. His eyes had me captivated, and I felt like it was just us. A branch snapped somewhere, snapping me out of my trance. The wolf growled and stood over me protectively again. No other sounds were made and the wolf calmed down, laying down beside me. I rolled to my side, looking at him. I hesitantly reached my fingers out, brushing his fur. He purred and pushed against me more. I smiled, and giggled, petting him. "Thanks." I said softly, thanking him for protecting me. He smiled a wolf smile and I giggled again. "I think you need a name." I said and thought of a couple names. "Hm...Dimitri?" He made a weird face and I laughed. "Okay, okay. What about, Drake, Oliver, Alex, Lucas, Leo-" I was cut off by the wolf's bark. "What? Lucas?" He shook his head. "Leo?" I asked and he barked again. And I smiled, "Leo it is then." I say and continue petting him.

I don't know how long we sat there, me just petting him and him purring and nuzzling into me. Then he looked up, his ears pointed towards the green trees and then looked back at me with a look that seemed apologetic. I smiled in understanding and waved him off. He ran off and I went home. A few days past and I hadn't seen Leo since then. I felt sad that I didn't see him for a reason, but I just shrugged it off. It was late at night when I went into the woods, feeling lonely and having a strong sense to see Leo again. I was deep in the woods when my body felt weird. I fell to the ground, my body heating up and my head felt like it was splitting open. I screamed in pain and my hands held my head, the pain becoming overbearing. I faintly heard howls coming this way, but I couldn't move. Silent tears slid down my cheeks as the pain increased and another scream ripped it's way through me. Through my tear filled sight I saw Leo, then he turned into a man in a series of cracks. I was so so confused, but then another wave a pain flew through me and I screamed again. "It's okay Sapphire. I've got you. I'll find out what's wrong. Just please don't close your eyes. Please don't leave me, Sapphire. I need you. Please." The guy said, sounding oddly familiar, but before I could figure it out I blacked out.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter! Short I know but I plan to make chapter 2 longer. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed! Adios!

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