First Touch (werewolf x reader

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She was every thing i wanted,her shining e/c, her h/l h/c hair,her s/c skin. Everything about her I loved. She looked even more beautiful with snow falling on her long eyelashes and hair,making it look like she has crystals in her hair. I always watched her. She was always in my eye and mind. She singed,run,sprint,even bath. I just sae her lovely silhouette. She was only (age) and me 117. Werewolves can live a surprising amount of years,I was still in my teen years. I watched her intently. She was huffing,her breathing visible in the cold wind. Shivering she trudged on. Her blood red hood flapping harshly in the unforgiving wind. Her red hood was the only color in the snowy forest. She was going to freeze to death. I wanted to help. Every pure white fur whipping in the harsh wind wanted me to go help her. I growled and clawed at the tree I was up on. The pack law was not to interface with any human..enless you were going to kill them.. I dident want to kill her..I wanted her to be mine. If I did save her I would be punished,and left to die. I cant let her go... I let out a long sigh. I hurd a loud crunch. I look to where she was. She layed there motionless in the snow. Her lips were purple and she was surprising pale. I gasp. Before I could think I jump down with a large bound. I ignored the icy sting on my back foot paws. I rushed to her. I look her in my arms. She was even more beautiful up close. I dident know what to do. She needs heat... I wrap around her protecting her from the wind. My tail acted like a blanket covering her in my pure white fur. I smiled as she curls closer into my tonned chest. She breathed like a animal hibernating in winter,slow and deep. I put my chin on the top of her head. I dont care if I get punished..knowing I have her now..nothing will stop me from loving and protecting her...
(end of chapter 1)

Werewolf X Reader First TouchWhere stories live. Discover now