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Emma's pov
I woke up with Lukes head on my shoulders and his hand on my leg, "l-Luke wake up"I said shaking Lukes body "uh s-stop I wanna sleep"he said making me laugh "Luke what's your last name?"I ask


"Luke Hemmings get the hell up"I said as he shot up, "what time is it?"Luke ask as I looked at my phone

"6:46 am"I said making him roll his eyes "alright well I'm gonna go home and get ready"Luke said as I nodded "ok bye"I said as he kissed my cheek

I went in the shower. As I shave my legs and trying not to cut myself (not that kinda cutting just shaving:))

I got out and dry my hair, it was a little wet but I didn't mind I put a red shirt with some shorts and put my black vans on. I put some make-up on and did my hair flat

I went downstairs and got my backpack, as I was about to open my door Michael was there "uh hey"I said "what's with you and Luke?"he ask making me blush "well we're together now"I said as I walked to my car

"Can you please drive me to school my uh mum seen my you know what fuck it my mum seen my nudes"he said making me bust out laughing I couldn't breathe "stop laughing she seen my balls"Michael said making himself laugh

"What the fuck dude,"I said still laughing a bit "just drive"he said as he got in my car "I hate you Clifford"I said still laughing

"Hate you too"he said

"Hey thanks for the drive here's my number"Michael said "ok I'll call you mike"I said as he smiled "Emma what the hell you was supposed to pick me up"Luke said making me gasp

"Babe I'm sorry Michael came to my house and ask for a drive and I forgot"I said "it's fine but wait mike my mikey the one with red hair"Luke ask making me laugh, "why couldn't he drive himself"Luke ask

"Well I guess his car got took away because his mum seen his nudes"I said making Luke laugh "that's bad"Luke said "very"I added,

Class was done and it was lunch

As me and Luke was walking to the table Sammy was there I really didn't wanna sit next to her, I mean she hurt lizzy

And lizzy was outside eating "Luke Emma over here!"Ashton yelled Luke looked at me "babe I'm gonna go see lizzy"I said "hey c-can I stay with Ashton"Luke ask "yeah sure, I love you"I said giving him a small kiss

I walked out side to lizzy and seen Kate and her friends beating her up I gasp and ran to her

"Stop!"I yelled and tackled carter the one who was punching lizzy I slapped her in the face as she pulled my hair "lizzy run!"I yelled as Kate kicked me. I yelled in pain

I was really pissed off so I pushed carter off me and kicked Kate in the face. There was plenty of people recoding it "what's going on,"ms.k yelled as I got off Kate.

"You 3 at my office NOW!"she yelled as my lip was bleeding my hair was messed up, my hand was scrape and it was bleeding

And Kate had a bust lip with her face red she was crying like a baby her hair was fucked up I think I messed her up really bad.

And carter, well her nose was bleeding from when I punch her. Her hair was also messed up. Her leg was bleeding from when I tackled her.

"Wait it's my fault too"lizzy said "alright go to my office"ms.k said as we All nodded lizzy had a cut next to her eye just a baby one but she did look like a mess

"Are you ok"I ask lizzy as she nodded "Emma what's going on?"Ashton ask "oh my god what happened"Luke ask

"I'm fine"I said and walked in the office "it was all lizzy and Emma's fault"Kate fake cryed at ms.k

"Oh bull shit you was beating up my friend"I yelled at Kate "just fuck off"carter said "oh slut shut up"I yelled at her "SHUT UP!"ms.k yelled

"Now lizzy what happened?"ms.k ask "well I was waiting for Emma to eat I always eat outside because I get bullied and k-Kate came with whatever that slutbag name is and started cussing me, so I yelled at them to stop that's when they started to beat me up. Then Emma came and tackled carter and she yelled at me saying run. Then you came.."lizzy said

"Is that true"ms.k ask me "yeah"I said "alright 3 days for Emma and lizzy in the gym cleaning after school..AND YOU CARTER AND KATE 2 WEEKS CLEANING THE MEN BATHROOM"ms.k yelled the last part at Kate and carter

"Now all yous in the nursery and you guys start tomorrow"ms.k said me and lizzy nodded "b-but they hu-" Kate got cut off "wanna keep talking now you have 3 weeks"she said with a smirk

Me and lizzy laugh and walked out "thank you for helping me"lizzy said hugging me "no problem" I said hugging back "Emma a-are you ok?"Sammy ask a little sad "y-yeah"I said as me and lizzy stop hugging me

"Oh um l-lizzy I wanna say sorry for what I did"Sammy said "it's ok"lizzy said "well we should get going"I said as Sammy nodded sadly

Lukes pov
I seen what Kate and carter did and I'm pissed off, I'm glad they have 3 weeks of cleaning my piss

I mean what she did is messed up. And Emma really messed them up I mean I never thought Emma would fight like that

"Where is she!"calum said "I don't know mate"I said

I just hope she's ok

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