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"You're not as dangerous as that sword of yours, are you?"

"Now, now, I'd never hurt a lady," he said. His voice drawled in slow turns and dipped low on the vowels. Sydney Richard of the Rufella isles enjoyed his job, but he enjoyed his flirting much more. "Why don't you head back with me, my lady, and I'll see to it that you are cared for to the proper measures?"

She blushed. "Sir Sydney," she said, voice low, "don't you have better dragons to slay?"

Running his fingers through long silky strands of darker blonde, Sydney grinned. His cape fell off of one shoulder, and his elegant uniform stood proud--almost as proud as his ego-loving trousers, which stretched as he cocked one leg onto a rock and leaned into it. The lowering sun glistened against his hair and green eyes and kissed his lips in gentle waves. "Honeydew, thou art the most beautiful maiden I've ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon. It would be a shame, an undignified shame, if I couldn't so much as escort you back into town. Who knows? Another dragon might just pop up on your way back, and ain't no one better qualified to save you than I."

Again, that scarlet blush blessed her cheeks. The maiden nodded and casually took a few steps closer to his mighty steed, Rockei. Rockei was a fine horse, blacker than coal and faster than anything he'd ever seen before. Large, too, as the horse could hold up to four people with ease. She was perfect for traveling through the countryside...and for picking up maidens with much time on their hands and little attention paid to them.

"He's beautiful," the girl said. Her fingers tangled in Rockei's mane, playing with the dark hair there. "How long have you had him?"

"I've had her for four years," Sydney said. He ran his hand through his hair again, then jumped away from the rock and towards his favorite girl. "Runs softer than anything, and she's great company when I'm lonely."

Her eyes flicked over him before going back to the horse. Tone soft but holding a slight trace of contempt she asked, "You're not lonely often, are you?" Sly question, that sneaky wench.

Sydney thought himself slyer. "I'm never lonely with her," he said, then in a sad, soft voice, admitted, "I do get lonely at night. A hero's duty is never done, and I find myself away from the simple comforts of friends and family far too often., I mustn't being these saddening thoughts any longer. I couldn't bear to see you saddened as well by the depths of my grievings."

"No, no!" she pleaded, round eyes growing with the expectations of tears, "what is it? You can tell me."

"It's just...I can never marry," he said. His words sun of heartbreak and pain beyond all imaginable magnitude. "Never, for no matter how close I grow in love, and in compassion, my heart was sold as a child to a Princess in a distant land. In two years I must marry her, and if I ever did love another, it would end in terrible heartbreak and the aching could very well kill me."

"Oh, Sydney..." The maiden pulled him close and threw her arms right around his waist. "That's terrible!"

He allowed himself one smile, which was only when she couldn't see his face. Fingers running through her silky strands now, the brown not too bad looking on her, Sydeny knew she was his for the night. Possibly the next few days as well, if all went as planned. Wow. What people believe. It seemed like every girl in the country could be pulled in by a good sob story. That and a tragic backstory. Hells, I bet if I throw in a little bit of abused and dead parents she'll be taking off that corset right now...

Of course, she didn't, and he didn't throw it in. The gal was nice enough as she was. Her corset was a dark purple and it hung under her purple dress in such a way that every curve was bigger. Her chest shoved out at him, the flesh there a lovely shade of amber. Man, wish I had her earlier, he thought. That last girl drove me wild with anger. As she hopped on Rockei he got on behind her, wrapping his arms through hers to reach the bridle and reins. She stirred and began to ride at his command. Rockei practically rose herself, knowing his routes like he knew the backs of her hooves. That gave him plenty of time to imagine his evening with the maiden. Her name, which had been said earlier, he's certain, was beyond him. A slight issue, but one he wouldn't have to concern himself with too much. After all, what girl doesn't love some clever endearments?

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