actually Chapter 1.

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"Shit,"Jo thought as she approached the front of the line. She hated ordering food or in this case something to drink because it always made her really nervous for some reason.

"How can I help you," questioned the barista?

"Um can I just have a black coffee please"

" Would you like that in Grande, Venti, or Trenta?"

"Normal size?... um I mean whatever a medium is" aaaaand there it was, the reason she hated stupid trivial things such as ordering food. A bunch of teenaged girls who looked about 15 years old started to snicker.

"You have to give her your name, dumbass" said the one who looked liked she was dressed by those girls on tumblr who just so happen to all have the same black pointy nails with three golden rings and the fun swoppy-hat thing. This was weird because none of them had braces or acne or any other distinguishing embarrassing traits that teenyboppers their age should have, including an adult.

"Okay Punky Bruster, pipe down , " she said, "my name is Jo," she told the barista.

"Isn't that a guy's name," said another one.

"Shouldn't you be with an adult "

" At least we're not by ourselves working our way towards being a lonely spinster" said an ever so charming third girl who was making her very best contrived effort to be the Regina George of said group.

"Okay first of all, good job on incorporating the word spinster but unfortunately your insults as useful and effective as fairy dust so I'm gonna go, you know, not be here" she said

After she had retrieved her coffee and left the small gremlins she went to sit down and finally finish her final composition for her Music theory class, which she had been procrastinating doing the entire semester. To be completely honest she hated Starbucks. The only other time she had gone, she was a freshman in high school and her choir went to preform at Princeton. While there she went to get Starbucks with her friends and ordered an ice coffee. The entire choir was required to wear concert attire,a white top and black bottoms. When the barista went to give her the drink the cap wasn't on all the way and coffee spilt all over her only white shirt. Subsequently, the only other shirt available was an extra extra large men's shirt from a boy named Garrett who smelled like Tunafish.Being five foot and ninety pounds made it look as if she was the abominable snow monster from Rudolph. The shirt itself was also extremely see-through and everyone saw her lime-green bra but pretended they didn't to spare the tiny shred of dignity she had left, with the exception of Tommy Fitzpatrick who made it a point to make fun of her for the entire rest of her high school career.

As she replayed this horrible moment in her mind a tall body swiftly hit her elbow causing her to spill the EXTREMELY hot coffee all over herself.

"Oh sweet jesus, that's really fucking hot!"

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" spoke a very thick Irish accent.

"What? Yeah its just really hot"

"Here let me get you some ice" he said.

"No, its fine really, I'm fine, I'm good. I have a pulse, I'm breathing so really its fine" she said in pain, but by the time this was said, he already was getting a bag full of ice from the counter.

He approached the table that she was now sitting at with the bag full of ice and a sheepish smile.

"Here you go, I'm Emmet by the way" he said

"I'm Jo and really it's fine you didn't have to get that"

"Isn't that a guy's name?" he laughed making a note to her earlier situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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