Chapter 4 ; Concert and After Party

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*Kameron's P.O.V*

I was standing backstage with the guys and I was nervous as fuck. I was shaking, My palms were sweating and I was pacing back and forth. What if I fuck up? I'll ruin their whole show.. I won't be able to deal with that.. What if the fans boo me? OH MY GOD, What if I fall off the stage!

I nearly screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"FUCK CRAIG! JESUS! YOU SCARED ME SHITLESS!" I yell holding my chest, making sure my heart was still beating.

"Sorry, You just seem nervous." He said chuckling at my reaction.

"Hell yes I'm scared. DUDE, What if I fall off the stage? What if they throw tomatoes at me? Do they even do that? OH My GOD! What if I fuck u-" I rambled immediately being cut off by the guys laughing hysterically at me.

"Someone has been watching too many cartoons. They don't throw tomatoes  and you won't fuck up. you and Monte practiced for hours. You GOT THIS!" Max said hugging me tightly, picking my feet up off the ground.

"PUT. ME. DOWN." I screamed thwacking him in the head.

"Ow!" He said dropping me and rubbing his head.

Before too long it was time for the band to go on stage, Robert went out first, followed by applause from the crowd, next came Monte, then Max. Before Craig ran out, he patted me on the back and said; 

"You're gonna kill it! Wait until I call you out, okay?" He said smiling and I nodded returning his smile, with my own, visibly nervous one.

Craig ran out and the crowd went fucking crazy. He grabbed the mic and yelled; 


The crowd responded with "HELL YEAH!" I chuckled and watched Craig. He looked over at me and winked, I couldn't help but smile.

"OKAY, Well we have a special guest tonight, who's gonna be rocking out with us. C'mon out Kameron!" Craig shouted motioning for me to join them on stage. I took a deep breath and walked on to the stage.

The crowd cheered, and a few of the guys whistled at me.

"Now, don't let her appearance fool you, she may be a girl, but she's bad ass on guitar.." Monte said into the microphone that was set up in front of him.

"Hey baby! You gotta nice ass! Shake it for us!" Some guy yelled from the audience.

I Just laughed and took the mike from Craig, "In your dreams lover boy." I smiled and winked at him.

"Haha! Take it easy on her, it's her first time playing in front of people. Her brother here, Maxwell, will tell you in a heart beat, what a bad ass she is. But enough talk, LETS GET ROCKING!! THIS FIRST SONG IS CALLED ... THIS WAR IS OURS ! HIT IT KAM!" Craig screamed and I immediately started shredding the guitar, Monte joining in shortly after. 

"FUCK YEAH!" Craig screamed before starting the song.

* 2 hours later*

I was having a fucking blast on stage, running around with Craig, Playing guitar. I had the crowd in hysterical laughter at one point, because Craig walked by me and I slung my guitar behind my back and jumped on him, catching him by surprise and he fell. He busted out in hysterics, and then kept singing. Sadly it was over and we were about to walk off stage.

"GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS! WE HAD A FUCKING BLAST!!" Craig shouted and we all jogged off the stage.

Once we were off Craig pushes me playfully, "That was for making me fall!" He said laughing.

"It was fucking funny!" Max responded, and I just nodded.

"It was pretty funny, I mean I thought you were never going to quit laughing." I told Craig smirking.

"My sides hurt, little fucker! Let's go get drunk!" Craig shouted throwing his arms up and walking out to the bus, which was taking us to the suite we were staying in, also the spot of the after party.

We got in the bus and we were all chilling on the couch while the bus was driving.

"Fuck this, Let's do shots!" I said standing up and grabbing shot glasses.

"Hell yeah!" All the guys said in response. I grabbed the Vodka and made three for everyone, they all grabbed them and we tossed them back, one, two, three.

We arrived at the hotel a few minutes later and me and the guys already had a buzz going, we had taken at least 3 more shots on the bus. The after party consisted of us and a couple of the other bands that were playing with us tonight such as, Sleeping with Sirens, and Vampires Everywhere!

I walked in and the party was full blast. I wasted no time getting into the party myself. I was dancing around with a bunch of the guys from Vampires Everywhere! having the time of my life when I felt hands wrap around my waist and spin me around, I laughed when I realized who it was and I crushed them in a hug.

"ANDY!" I screamed practically squeezing him to death, He laughs and hugs me back.

"Baby cakes!" He yells back.

"I missed you!" I smiled like a maniac.

"I've missed you too!" He yelled over the loud music.

Maybe I should clear some things up, Andy was one of my best friends. I had met him through the band of course and we always stayed in touch, we partied together, a lot.  Now we were gonna lite this place up!

I had drank almost a whole bottle of Jack by myself and I was dead ass drunk, Andy had talked me into dancing on the bar and I was having a blast, until I almost fell off. Andy helped me down and we started jumping up and down on the bed, which fucking spun! 

I was jumping on the bed and I looked up and saw Craig sitting on the headboard. All of a sudden he jumped off and landed on me.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as we both went tumbling off the bed, and onto the floor. It took me a second to realize what had actually happened and I looked over at Craig and we both busted out laughing.

Eventually the people were complaining about all the noise coming from our suite so we got kicked out & none of us wanted to go to bed , even though it was 3 a.m. So we were wondering around the city of Las Vegas, piss drunk. I was walking, well stumbling along-side of Andy, Craig, and Max. When all of a sudden i stepped in a crack, or not and I fell flat on my face.

"FUCK !" I said when i hit the pavement, all the guys were in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"Get up fat ass!" Max shouted, I shot him a glare and stood up, smacking him the head.

"You're the fat ass!" I smile.

We all ran around the city for a few more hours, just fucking shit up. Having a blast, when we did make it back to the bus we all crashed on the floor in the sitting room. Max was on one couch with Monte, and Robert was stretched out across the other couch, me and Craig were passed out on the floor, sprawled out like idiots... Tonight was fucking amazing.

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You're such a Gorgeous Nightmare ; Craig Mabbitt *CURRENTLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now