The men

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Me and Rick were just on the balcony enjoying the peace while it lasted, the there was a thud "Rick stay close," he responded with a quiet reassuring bark.

"the damn door won't open!!"One of them yelled.

"here let me have a try!"said a man with a very deep scottish accent.

they were O.D.As; orbital drop assisters,"to assist the needy citizens "is their official purpose,but everyone knows their secretly citizen hunters.

Sent out to find escapees from the citizen camp.

"oh thank god that opened,I need to rest me damn legs"

Oh, so they didn't know I was here, that could give me some time to escape! Sadly I did not have that glorious advantage for long.

I set off and Rick followed, trying to be as stealthy as a 12 year old boy with a massive supplies rucksack can be.


"Stupid cat, can't you see I'm trying to escape!"


Rick jumped and silenced the cat with his teeth; one of the many reasons I love that dog! Crap footsteps where coming up the stairs rapidly!!!

I quickly rolled to the side, Rick followed.

The men where dressed in black military combat gear and had silenced pistols, knives and many other interesting devices of death.

Rick distracted the first man and then I hit the second with a board, as his unconscious body lay on the floor I tried to quickly dodge a knive swipe from the other man.

Alas the pain of the wound slowed me, only making me receive a deep leg wound in the exact same spot; reopening the large leg wound that I was still trying to recover from.

Luckily Rick bit his leg making him keel over letting me grap his gun and..........can I really do it; pull the trigger, they say if you kill someone it stays with you forever.

Sh*t the, no longer unconscious, man grabbed me. As I struggled a wet cloth climbed over my mouth, obnoxious fumes entered my lungs! Slowly my mind began to cloud up.
Damn it, they cloraphormed me!!!
"You can'"

my drugged body falls to the floor!

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