Across the Sea

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I might
Fall down
Into the


Why Wind? Because that's what she is. Sometimes quiet and unnoticeable, just a small breeze.

But when she speaks, when she twirls and waves and spins, she is like a storm. You can't take your eyes off of her. You feel her speaking to you even though she cannot use words of her own.

No one else understands but me. I'm the only one who does. We spend everyday after school in the woodshop.

She teaches me how to understand her. I watch her as she dances, telling me things I've never know before.

Soon I can tell exactly what she's saying. I understand her clearly as if she was talking with words. I don't even think about what she would sound like if she could talk because I already know.

Her voice would be soft and gentle. Strong and powerful. Quiet and soothing.

One day, we're sitting together up in the rafters. We stare out the window and look over at the Frozen Sea.

She taps my shoulder to get my attention and I look at her. She points at the sea. She wants to know about it.

"There's not much to tell. It's been frozen ever since the war."

She blinks and looks back out. She turns back to me, Why?

"I don't know." I look back out and remember a story I heard once. It was a long time ago, I don't even remember where I heard it from, and I barely remember it.
Or who told it to me in the first place.

But I remember a little bit of it, so I ask her, "Do you want to her a story?" She smiles. Yes.

I take a deep breath and begin.

"Once there were three friends who lived in a small village before the war, before the sea froze and the winter came. They had been curious about what lay over the sea. Together they stood at the edge and looked out. "

"Two of them wanted to sail out and see if anyhing lay beyond. But the third refused to come. He told them that he would wait for them to return."

"The two friends became caught in a storm, one was lost at sea and the other almost died. Then the storm stopped. He looked up at the sky and saw lights. Beautiful, glowing lights."

"No stars. Just lights. He followed them without stopping. And they led him to the end of the sea."

"And there, he found a land that was more beautiful than any other place in the world. The people there welcomed him."

"He lived there for many years, soon he decided that he wanted to go back and bring his family and friend back with him."

"The people of that place agreed. They told him that since he had made it to their land, he would always be able to come back."

"So he traveled back across the sea. It took him less time than before, but when he returned, his friends and family were gone. His home was gone too. In it's place a Community had been built."

"He hadn't been there for the war. He hadn't seen what happened. He didn't know about the Communities that had been set up."

"No one welcomed him. They didn't believe him when he told them about what laid beyond the sea. So he returned to the place across the water."

"After he left, the sea turned to ice. And no one dared to go near it. To this day, no one knows if there were really was a place over the sea."

I finish my story. I know it's not a very good one. But Wind seemed to like it. She smiles and looks over at the sea.

I follow her gaze. I think about the story. What if there was such a place? A place where people cared about each other. Where there was love, and light.

We sit side by side in silence. Both of us lost in thought. If such a place did exist, could we get there? Could we make it across the sea? To a place where we were allowed to love and be loved?

And if not...
Would we spend the rest of our lives in the cold?

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