
175 8 5

Here is how your story will be graded:

0-10 -First chapter is eye catching

0-10 -Book description

0-10 -Grammar

0-10 -Originality (We love cliche' stories but not fifty million of the same old werewolf story! Or the same old love story, put some spice into it! Make it your own!)

0-10 -Structure (the plot, sentences, etc)

0-10 -Book Cover

If the judges do not like your story or if I don't like your story then you will be declined.

Unless the book interests them fully, the Judges will only have to read the first seven chapters.

The Judges are not required to vote on your story, but will if they enjoy it! :)

Round One:

If your book is able to catch one of the judges attentions by the first chapter and you can get over 30 points then you will automatically upgrade to the next round. That means you better have some good grammar or our judges will decline your book.

Round Two:

If you have no originality and its the same werewolf story or the same love story then we will immediately put your book down. Make sure you have originality. If you still have us hooked by the fifth chapter then you move up to round three.

Round Three:

Make sure you have a good plot. If you tell us the plot in the first chapter we are going to move on to something better. If your sentences don't have structure then your book doesn't move to the next round.

Round Four:

This is the final round. Now we will be focusing on character development and how your story progresses. Your over all points will help a great deal in this round.

First place winner will be awarded with:

Promotions -We will promote you around wattpad.

Dedications -From both judges and this account.

Sticker -Which will be slapped onto your beautiful masterpiece.

Followers -We will try to get our followers to follow you!

Votes -We and other wattpaders will vote on your stories.

Second place winner will be awarded with:

Promotions -We will promote you around wattpad.

Sticker -Which will also be smacked onto your masterpiece

Followers -We will get as many people as we can to follow you.

Third place winner will be awarded with:

Sticker -Again we will have a sticker for you.

Followers - We will find as many people as we can to follow you but will focus on 1st and 2nd place.

Reads -The people here will read your story.

Honorable mentions will be awarded with:

Honorable mention stickers -It will be about the same except it will say: Honorable Mention- on it.

Reads -Which the sticker will promote.




Make sure you comment and vote on the winners, second, etc! They will need your support and love. The votes will not affect how many points you get.

Don't feel bad if you don't win; writing isn't for everyone. And that doesn't mean you aren't good at writing if you don't get placed; you just need to put a little more effort in next time. I hope you all develop as writers!

I wish you all good luck!






Any questions just comment on this bio or the judges (please comment questions on this account).


Farewell fellow shadow hunters...

Snowflake Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now