Chapter 14-The Girl Named May

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The next day was a Saturday so I decided to stay at Luke's house again that night. I just didn't want to go home to my deadbeat dad. We decided to have a really small get together. Luke invited May and I invited Hanna. Maybe they could be friends if they aren't already. They should be here soon.

And seconds after I think of them coming soon, they ring the doorbell. Both Hanna and May enter the house chattering until they see us. "Hey, Hanna" I say with a small smile. "Hey! I saw May coming to the door and I wanted to say hi since we are in the same history class" she chuckles. I nod and look over to Luke.

We all race upstairs, but when we all reach Luke's room, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it" Luke said as he makes his way downstairs again.

I sat down on the bean bag chair I accompanied earlier as Hanna sits beside me on the other bean bag. May sat on the edge of Luke's bed with her legs criss-crossed.

I look around the room, something to distract me. I land my eyes on Hanna when Luke walks back in the room with a visitor. Calum.

Luke sits on the ground beside me and May follows, sitting beside Luke. "What is he doing here?" I whisper and hit his arm. "I couldn't have let him out. He's our friend, Mikey" Luke says with pleading eyes. So I let it go. "You must be Hanna, I assume? You look really nice" he blushes and sits down where May was sitting earlier. "Thank you" she giggles at the stupid compliment. No. She is not supposed to laugh with Calum. She's supposed to laugh at him.

"So what are we supposed to be doing?" Calum asks Luke with a raised eyebrow. "I have an idea. You all stay here. I'll be back in a second" he gets up and I hear the stairs creak. A minute later he returns with an empty beer bottle. I already knew what he was thinking. Crap.

"Spin the bottle" he announces. I roll my eyes but everyone else get's excited. Especially Hanna.

Luke places the bottle in the middle and spins it. He crosses his fingers and prays to god quietly that it lands on May. I laughed really loudly when it landed on Calum. Luke groaned and May laughed, along with Hanna too. Luke hesitantly leaned over to Calum and gave him a really quick peck on the lips. When he got back to his original spot, he rubbed his lips harshly and spat.

"My turn" Calum announced and spun it. I chuckled and hoped it would land on Luke. But it didn't. It landed on Hanna.

She looked over to me with a flushed face. "I-I don't want to" she whispered to me. I frown when Calum leaned over to her and kissed her. That could have been me. Then the next thing I see totally mortifies me. She kissed him back. He pushed back slightly as she kissed him.

I got up and stormed off down the stairs and out the door. Before I could reach the end of the driveway, she caught up to me. God she's fast.

"Why did you kiss him back?" I snapped immediately. "Michael, it was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything" she backed away a step. "Why did you do it, though?" I spat. "I still love you, Mikey! It meant nothing!" she yelled.

As Hanna said those words, something inside of me ignited and I knew what I should do next. I rushed up to her and cupped her cheeks in my hands and kissed her gently.

But when I ended the kiss, I ran away like the coward I am. I ran to the building. To my Thinking Building. To where I took Hanna to see the constellation.

And maybe an hour later of thinking and having time to myself, she came. "Luke said that you might be here" she comments. "I got worried, Michael"

I don't look at her, I just continue to look at the ground. Then, all of a sudden, she says, "What are we? I mean, are we dating? Are we friends? Tell me because I'd like to know"

I do not respond to her, I don't even know how to answer that.

She chuckles and continues to talk. "I want you. I want to be your girlfriend. I want you to be my boyfriend. I want to ride my skateboard with you and listen to music with only one pair of headphones. I want to watch classic movies and order pizza with you. I want to do all of those cliche things couples do with you because I want so badly to be with you. Is that so hard to ask? When I met you, I knew you were the one for me. I ended up falling in love with you every single day since I got to know you" she takes a deep breath and is surprised when I kiss her.

"Does that answer your question?" I whisper in her ear. She swats my hand away and looks me straight in the eye. "No" and just like that, she left.

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