Chapter 5 The Truth

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We waited outside. The sun was beaming my skin. Nasha tapped me on the shoulder. "We got a ride home to we shall see you around" she smiled. I nodded my head "See yah girls" They waved bye to me as their ride pulled off as I waved. I sighed What time is it I thought. Andre glanced over at me. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Yea I'm fine" I smiled. Engines roared. EverLasting's bus came. It stopped in front of us with a roar. The bus door opened. I saw a figure near the footsteps I couldnt see their face until the sun rays hit it. "Mr Elizer?" I said. "Come all of you get on the bus" he smiled. I stepped on the bus with the rest of the guys. "The bus was like a RV, of course there was a couch on one side and the other a mini fridge and another couch and a table in the middle. The back room was cut off with beads hanging from the ceiling. And of couse a bathroom in the back closed off behind a door. I sat down so did everyone else. Kris got up and went into the fridge and grabbed a soda. "You want one Luna?" he asked. "Nah, I'm good thanks for asking" I answered. "No problemo". He passed one to Andre and Jake. "Thanks" said Andre. Jake nodded his head. I guess that was his way of saying thank you. I looked at Andre. His eyes glared at me as we exchanged glances. Elizer stood in front of us. Another source came from behind Elizer. "Hey Everyone" It was Everlasting Manger. "Kenny" said Elizer. "Can we talk Kenny" said Andre. "No need to talk, Elizer told me everything". "How" said Andre. Elizer cleared his throat, "Well I know none of your are human, that goes for Kenny and I, Kenny as you know is a Reaper who reaps souls and brings themm back to the underworld. And I Elizer, Im just a mutant a telepath to be correct, I knew what was going to happen at the party" "But how could you let Luna get involved like that" sneered Andre. Jake nodded his head. Kris looked down ashamed, he knows some of it was his fault too. "Well you know as well as I do that Luna is special, I knew the others aka Luna friends also Princess's wouldn't get involved." Smiled Elizer. "So what am I Mr.Elizer" I said softly. He cleared his throat. "I think you should go home and ask your mother" "Alright" I said. "Also boys you know that summer will be over this week and starting Monday you three will be now attending Luna's school Chestnut High." said Kenny. The boys had surprised looks on their faces. "How come?" asked Kris. "Well to keep an eye on eachother and also keep an eye on Princess" Kenny explained. "Yea, we need to figure out what Princess was after and why she hinted about Luna" said Elizer. "But in the mean time everyone enjoy the rest of the week of the summer you have left and get prepared for school" smiled Kenny.

Later they took me home. It was still bright out and sunny. I walked inside my house. "Mom?" I looked around. The house was spotless and clean as usual. I looked outside. My mom in pink shorts and a white t-shirt with her little sun hat on picking the weeds out of the garden. "Mom I'm home". She wiped the sweat from her forehead. She looked up with her bright freckled face and tan skin. "Oh Hi honey" she smiled. She gave me a hug. "Hungry?" "a little but, I'll live". We walked in the living room. She sat down on the chair, While I sat on the couch across from her. "Can I tell you something?" I asked. "Sure what is it" she asked. I cleared. "Wait, you are not pregnant are you?" I laughed "No no no you know im not sexually active, nothing like that" "Alright tell me then" "Well today something happen , my hands started glowing and it attacked someone and healed someone..." I couldnt tell her excatly what happen now.. I dont want her to get worried about me. There was a long pause. Complete quietness. My mother sighed. "As you know and I told you before about your Grandmother" "Yea she was a bad mother and into witchcraft". Mom raised an eyebrow. "Oh.. right witchcraft.. so how does that tie in with me?" I asked. "Well I should have told you this sooner but I have a faint memory of my mother performing a ritual on me when I was really young, she did it because I didn't inherit the special powers she desired because I wasn't a twin like her brothers, But she knew I would be the next one to have twins or one of my grand kids". My eyes widen. "And you did have.... twins, My twin and I, but my twin didnt make it" I said softly. She nodded her head. "Excatly so you must have these powers but I dont know what the powers are excatly" she said. "So who are twins in my family?" I asked. "Your Great-Uncles who were twins, but I haven't seen them in years" "Alright.... this all so much to take in" I sighed. "i know I'm sorry Luna this is my fault" she said. "No it's fine, I needed to hear all of this" I said. My stomach began to growl. "I'll go make you some lunch now" she said.

I layed I in my bed with a full stomach. My phone vibrated. "You got a message" my phone said. I rolled oer and looked at the screen "Nasha" it read. I opened up the text message "Hey gurl we only got a week left until school let's go to the mall tomorrow!" I smiled, I needed a break from everything espically what happen today. Hanging out with the girls will get my mind off of things. "Alright can't wait, dont forget to remind Audri and Jade" I texted. "I won't cx" she texted back. I stretched out my body "Yawn". I guess I needed more sleep today. I giggled to myself. Shit I bet anyone would be tired if they were in my sitiution. I turned over and drifted off to sleep

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